Mac OS X Cheetah
Unlike the Mac OSX-kuns, a concerted effort has been made to create unique personifications of each of the major OSX releases. The most recognized personificaion of OSX Cheetah depicts her as a purple-haired catgirl (not surprisingly, with Cheetah-marking), wearing an eye patch, a futuristic gray and black dress, and fishnet leggings. She is also the most well-endowed of the OSX sisters, perhaps owing to the doubled memory requirements relative to the era of her release date (64MB for Mac OS9, 128MB for Mac OSX Cheetah).
Cheetah-tan is rarely drawn compared to the more recognizable Tiger-tan; when she is, the personality depicted may range from anywhere between insecure (reflecting the stability issues of the operating system) to mischievous (better suiting the eye patch).
See also: