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Saseko’s hungry for more RAM!
“If possible, could I have some more?”
This article could be expanded on and use more details, and needs them as much as XP-tan needs more RAM!
A relic of a bygone age.
Outdated Information Ahead!
Information in this article is more outdated than 5¼” floppy disks and the fears of Y2K, among other things. You can help by replacing it with information that’s up-to-date.

Character Information
Common Names QNX-tan
Other Names QNX Neutrino
Human Name(s) Quinn X. Dodge
Faction Anti$oft Coalition
Lineage independent (influenced by, but not descended from Unix)
Rival(s) OS-9, ROMDOS, Windows CE (competitors among embedded OSes), the Linux/Unix Consortium.
Height 168 cm (5'6")
Hair Color cyan
Eye Color yellow
Weapon(s) Photon beam cannon
First Appearance Sep 2006
Technical Information
System Personified QNX
Developer(s) QNX Software Systems, RIM (since 2010)
Debut 1982 (QNX), 2001 (QNX Neutrino)
Latest release v6.5 (2010-11)

Technical details

QNX (now known as QNX Neutrino) is a modern, highly reliable real-time, minimalist but complete UNIX-like OS that can fit on a floppy disk, supports many architectures and has many uses as an embedded OS. As an embedded OS QNX is used in many automobiles, industrial applications, medical electronics and is even used to operate nuclear power plants and powers the world's most powerful router.

Character details

QNX-tan is represented as cyan-haired girl with her hair partly in an updo with gold hairclips, including two in the form of a QNX and a QNX Neutrino logo and wears glasses, a lab coat, grey shirt, blue tie and blue skirt. She is very intelligent, eccentric, helpful, resourceful and incredibly efficient. She lives a busy but satisfying life as an engineer, industrialist, auto-mechanic, medic, and a self-proclaimed mad scientist.

She is friendly to others but is especially interested in the diminutive OS-tans and often shrinks herself down to their size, reflecting that QNX is a very small OS. QNX-tan has some other eccentric habits, including counting only in even numbers as QNX is up to version 6 but there is no QNX 3 or 5.

External links

Wikipedia article on QNX