Windows 97

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki

Windows 97-tan
Character Information
Common Names Windows 97-tan
Other Names 97-tan
Faction Wanderer Class
Lineage DOS/Win9x (prototype)
Height *none officially listed
Hair Color brown
Eye Color red
First Appearance unknown
Technical Information
System Personified Windows 97
Developer(s) Microsoft
Debut Jun 25 1998 (as Windows 98)?
Latest release May 5 1999 (as Windows 98SE)?

Technical details

Windows 97 was one of the working names for Windows 98 before it was released. Despite there already being a Windows 98-tan (and 98SE-tan), a Windows 97-tan design exists.

Character details

Windows 97-tan is represented as a little girl with brown hair in braids, and wearing a traditional Chinese-style dress shirt; her hair is in buns with braids and decorated with tassels; her shirt has a Windows logo brooch on the collar, she wears a school swimsuit under her short, and on her forehead she has the Kanji for '97' on it.

A running gag today in the era of Windows 7 is 97-tan cover up the kanji on her forehead except for the 7, determined to pass herself off as a Windows 7-tan in order to rise from obscurity.

She is cheerful and energetic, but dislikes that she is so short and completely flat, greatly envying Windows XP MediaCenter Edition-tan's figure.

In-story fanon

Representing an unreleased (if even existent) system, 97-tan may have been exiled from the Windows Family by the time of 98-tan's debut rendering her redundant, or she may have never been born into the Family in the first place. Her origins aren't specified. Curiously, she's never been depicted interacting with 98-tan, and her only major (one-sided) rivalries are those with XPMCE-tan and Windows 7-tan.

In-story, there are few, if any records of her past, and she lives as a Wanderer. She mainly knows the other Windows-tans who are wanderers. Most other Windows-tans don't know if she's real or a bootleg, but don't see her as an enemy, because they she's harmless overall, and/or can't take her seriously.