
Deceased OS-tan Annex Bios: Difference between revisions

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
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===Apple I===
===Apple I===
*Data Pending
*'''Name:''' Apple I-tan
*'''aka:''' "Apple-1", "Apple 1-okaasama"
*'''Debut:''' 4/1/1976
*'''Height:''' 150 cm (4'11")
*'''Weight:''' ?? kg
*'''Eye Color:''' Green
*'''Hair:''' Brown
*'''Quick Facts:'''
**-The de-facto mother figure of the whole Apple Family and its branches.
**-A young hippie woman with a penchant for crafts, especially woodworking.
**-Wears a patchy red+orange dress with a white sash, wooden jewelry and wooden shoes.
**-Has a sweet, maternal and optimistic disposition, though was also somewhat of a prankster in her youth.
**-Wanted to spend quality time with all of her daughters, although her health began to decline in '78.
**-Lived to see Apple II, Apple III and Lisa, but died shortly after Mac System 1 was born. (development on the Mac started in late '79)
**-Spent most of her time with Apple II to teach her the things that will ensure a better future for her and her sisters.
**-Was last seen by Lisa in her final moments, and apologized to her for not being able to spend much time with her before passing away.
**-Her body is preserved and kept in a mausoleum whose location and existence is only known to Lisa.
**-Was childhood friends with Altair.

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*Data Pending
[[File: ]]
*'''Name:''' BOS/360-tan
*'''aka:''' "Basic Operating System/360"
*'''Clan:''' IBM (System/360 branch)
*'''Debut:''' 1965
*'''Died:''' unknown
*'''Height:''' 146 cm (~4'9.5")
*'''Weight:''' 36 kg (80 lb)
*'''Eye Color:''' Grey
*'''Hair:''' Dark grey
*'''Quick Facts:'''
**-First OS for the System/360, and the oldest of the System/360 OS-tans.
**-A bit awkward with her family, had an obsession with punch cards.
**-Tended to be fatalistic, knowing that she was born already obsolete, to be quickly superseded by DOS/360.
**-Was borderline suicidal.
**-Mentor to DOS/360, not really fond of OS/360 but tolerated her.
**-Judged unfit for active duty, being physically weak, instead primarily worked in operations.
**-Was nevertheless proud of being an IBM-tan.
**-Physically thin, wore a hat and coat over her punch card-patterned gown.

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**-Small, thin, typically dresses in plain Air Force fatigues, has short hair and wears metal barrettes.
**-Small, thin, typically dresses in plain Air Force fatigues, has short hair and wears metal barrettes.
**-Died in 1983.
**-Died in 1983.

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*Data Pending
[[File: ]]
*'''Name:''' Convergent Technologies OS-tan
*'''aka:''' "CTOS", "BTOS", "STARSYS"
*'''Debut:''' late 70's/early 80's
*'''Died:''' unknown
*'''Height:''' 167 cm (~5'6")
*'''Weight:''' 58 kg (128 lb)
*'''Eye Color:''' Green
*'''Hair:''' Blonde
*'''Quick Facts:'''
**-Worked for several government and military organizations, most notably the Coast Guard.
**-Native of Convergent Technologies, but also an honourary Bull-tan (that's GECOS-tan's current corporation, was one of Multics-sama's) and Burroughs-tan.
**-Friendly with Windows NT-tan (CTOS workstations also supported WNT).
**-Loves rats, keeps some as pets.
**-Supposedly the third most used workstation OS in the 1980s.
**-Physically a young woman wearing boxy haircut/dress style.
**-Likes to dress in military-style uniforms.
**-Is deceased, but maintains a rather strong following.

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**-Died from a lightning strike in 1955.
**-Died from a lightning strike in 1955.
**-Dresses in solid black Greco-Roman-looking outfits decorated with jewels, keeps her hair tied into braids and veiled, wears delicate flip-flop type shoes.
**-Dresses in solid black Greco-Roman-looking outfits decorated with jewels, keeps her hair tied into braids and veiled, wears delicate flip-flop type shoes.

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**-Died at an unknown date, interred at Harvard.
**-Died at an unknown date, interred at Harvard.
**-Wears Byzantine-style attire, believing herself above wearing a standard Navy uniform; ties her hair in two buns.
**-Wears Byzantine-style attire, believing herself above wearing a standard Navy uniform; ties her hair in two buns.

===Harvard Mark II===
===Harvard Mark II===
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**-Usually wears her hair in pigtails, and wears an antiquated sailor-type uniform with poofy sleeves and pants.  
**-Usually wears her hair in pigtails, and wears an antiquated sailor-type uniform with poofy sleeves and pants.  
**-Wears a black+grey polka-dotted vest.  
**-Wears a black+grey polka-dotted vest.  

===Harvard Mark III===
===Harvard Mark III===
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**-Died 1952; she lived a short life, even by 1940s-50s standards.
**-Died 1952; she lived a short life, even by 1940s-50s standards.
**-Dresses in ornate Roman-style outfits.
**-Dresses in ornate Roman-style outfits.

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*Data Pending
[[File: ]]
*'''Name:''' Ramo-Woolridge RW-300 Realtime Executive-tan
*'''aka:''' "RW-300"
*'''Debut:''' late 1950's
*'''Died:''' unknown
*'''Height:''' ??? cm
*'''Weight:''' ?? kg
*'''Eye Color:''' Red-brown
*'''Hair:''' Dark grey
*'''Quick Facts:'''
**-Ultimate ancestor of RSX 11, OpenVMS and Windows NT-tan, and thus all modern Windows OS-tans.
**-RW-300 was employed successfully in different chemical plants, refineries and nuclear power plants.
**-Mysterious, known mostly for her work and not her personality. (little info on the OS, but it did make an impact on the industry)
**-Like her daughter and granddaughter, she's a loner.
**-A very skilled chemist, has skills bordering on alchemy. This is a two-pronged reference; both to RW-300's use in the chemical industry AND a throwback to RSX-11-tan and VMS-sama's alchemical/geomancy skills.
**-Has a foggy short-term memory in matters not pertaining to work. (Computer had a small memory capacity but that didn't diminish its usefulness). She's quick-thinking and fast on her feet (realtime OS).
**-RSX 11-tan is her daughter, though RSX 11-tan doesn't know her real heritage (having only been raised in DEC by DOS Batch 11-tan). Whether RW-300-tan knew of their relationship is unknown.
**-Has dark skin, long hair, dresses in utilitarian clothing.

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*Data Pending
[[File: ]]
*'''Name:''' TOS/360-san
*'''aka:''' "Tape Operating System/360"
*'''Clan:''' IBM (System/360 branch)
*'''Debut:''' 1965
*'''Died:''' unknown (circa early 70's)
*'''Height:''' 162 cm (5'4")
*'''Weight:''' ?? kg
*'''Eye Color:''' Grey
*'''Hair:''' Black
*'''Quick Facts:'''
**-One of the last tape driven OSes.
**-Twin sister to BOS/360, both were quickly replaced by OS/360 as their successor.
**-Unfortunately self destructive, insane, hated everyone and everything else with a passion except OS/360, for some reason.
**-Loved magnetic tape and wrapped things in it.
**-Came across as sort of a zealot.
**-A berserker in battle with enemies of IBM, used tape driven weapons.
**-Had medium-length ruffled black hair, wore tattered clothes draped in strands of magnetic tape.

*Data Pending
[[File: ]]
*'''Name:''' TSS/360-san
*'''aka:''' "Time Sharing System/360"
*'''Clan:''' IBM (System/360 branch)
*'''Debut:''' 1967
*'''Died:''' 1971
*'''Height:''' 168 cm (5'6")
*'''Weight:''' ??kg
*'''Eye Color:''' Grey
*'''Hair:''' Blonde
*'''Quick Facts:'''
**-One of the second generation System/360 sisters.
**-Didn't get along with OS/360, but still followed her orders. Treated DOS/360 like a little kid.
**-Had a superb memory.
**-The most inventive, but most fragile of the 2nd Gen sisters.
**-Experimented in open sorcery and could manifest 'virtual' familiars for battle.
**-Supposed to be the IBM-tan to do battle against Multics, but OS/360 could never bring herself to order her to.
**-Not the orator of the group, and instead spent most of her time experimenting.
**-Scheduled her day closely, and followed it.
**-Had long blonde hair and a tan, wore frilly classical gowns comparable to Multics'.
**-Was deemed too ambitious for her own good and developed a major inferiority complex. Ultimately abandoned and died in obscurity.

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*Data Pending
[[File: ]]
*'''Name:''' WAITS-tan
*'''aka:''' "SAIL", "Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab"
*'''Debut:''' 1966
*'''Died:''' 1991
*'''Height:''' 168 cm (5'6")
*'''Weight:''' 57 kg (126 lb)
*'''Eye Color:''' Green
*'''Hair:''' Light brown
*'''Quick Facts:'''
**-TOPS 10-tan's estranged daughter.
**-Her eclectic personality can best be described as a mix of beatnik, bohemian and hippie.
**-A jack-of-all-trades, she showed considerable talent in the fields of mathematics, language, music and psychology.
-Also an inventor.
-Notable for her progressive attitude, love of fun, free love and debauchery.
-Has an affable and people-oriented personality.
-Friends with other free-thinking -tans of the day, like ITS-tan and Emacs-kun.
-A Tolkien fan, she's fluent in Elvish.
-Dresses in a colourful mix of 19th-century bohemian and 1960s hippie fashion.

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**-Died 1973.
**-Died 1973.
**-Dons ornate 19th century-style gowns (labcoats while on the job), vacuum-tube inspired jewelry, tied her long hair in braids and with ribbons. Wears glasses.
**-Dons ornate 19th century-style gowns (labcoats while on the job), vacuum-tube inspired jewelry, tied her long hair in braids and with ribbons. Wears glasses.

