Memory Test Computer

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Memory Test Computer
Character Information
Common Names Memory Test Computer
Other Names MTC
Human Name(s) Mneme Olsen
Faction MIT
Lineage MIT; ancestral to DEC
Rival(s) N/A
Height 5'6"
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Golden-brown
Weapon(s) N/A
First Appearance 2011
Technical Information
System Personified Memory Test Computer
Developer(s) MIT, Lincoln Labs
Debut Circa 1950s(?)
Latest release Unknown

Technical details

The Memory Test Computer is a system built to test the core memory of the Whirlwind computer. In some ways it resembled Whirlwind, and was thought to be used in SAGE's early development by some accounts.

Character details


Appearance-wise, Memory Test Computer-tan (MTC-tan) has lightly tanned skin, golden eyes and dark blonde or light brown hair, shoulder length and flipped at the ends. Her bangs are curled back, and resemble a popular women's hairstyle of the 40's. She wears a old-timey nurse outfit with a blue gingham dress, white pinafore and hat. She is slightly shorter than Whirlwind, but has similar proportions, since MTC has the same amount of memory and same processing speed as Whirlwind.

MTC-tan was purpose-built as Whirlwind's nurse and assistant. She is loyal, compassionate, and intelligent, but wasn't able to use her mind to its fullest potential (referencing the fact that the MTC did not have any software or hardware support.) Nevertheless, she is well-trained as a nurse and is a competent caretaker.

Family and relationships

Whirlwind's connection to SAGE, TX-0 and PDP-1-tan is well-known, but MTC's relationship to those computer-tans is less documented. Indeed, MTC contributed to the creation of all three children - to the point where she could be considered a second mother. Although TX-0-tan seems to have viewed MTC-tan as a parent, it is unclear whether or not the other children viewed her as their mom - and if they did, whether they considered her as much a parent as Whirlwind.

For the most part, Whirlwind was MTC-tan's reason for being, as she was literally created to look after her. Because of this, MTC-tan harbors a deep love for, and dependance on, Whirlwind - and there is conjecture that she may have felt romantic affection for her superior. However, Whirlwind-tan doesn't seem to have returned these romantic feelings, being seemingly uninterested in such matters.

History and background

Theories and Notes

Along with Whirlwind, MTC-tan can be considered the earliest ancestor of the DEC Society.

MTC-tan's gold eyes and hair are purported to be an allusion to the flaxen-haired PDP-1 and (in part) golden-eyed SAGE-tan.