Apple Lisa

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Revision as of 19:01, 8 February 2009 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)

The Lisa is the true predecessor of the Mac OS, incredibly powerful for its time and much more advanced than the Macintosh, having a 5MB hard drive (The first Macs did not have any hard drive), 1 MB of RAM (which the Mac could not reach until the introduction of the Mac Plus in 1986), had cooperative multitasking (not introduced to the Mac until System 4.2), virtual memory (not until System 7) and protected memory (not until OSX) but was very slow and ridiculously expensive at a price of $10,000. The Lisa slid out of favor when the much faster Macintosh was introduced at 1/4 of the price.

Apple Lisa-tan
Character Information
Common Names Lisa-tan
Other Names n/a
Creator C-Chan
First Appearance Aug 2006
Technical Information
System Personified LisaOS
Developer(s) Apple
Debut Jan 19 1983
Latest release Jan 1 1985 (hardware)

Lisa-tan is depicted as a former aristocrat turned clinically depressive. She has silver eyes, blonde hair partly in pigtails, dons a fancy white dress, grey + white gloves and diamond tiara and still wears them despite not having a decent suitor in several years. She was an aristocrat who was charming at first but unintentionally spoiled by her proud company and older sister, Apple ][-tan. Unfamiliar with menial tasks and computer games, Lisa-tan would rather mingle with the affluent than the petty home user. Lisa-tan's depression began to set in when Macintosh System 1-tan arrived and Lisa-tan's wealth and followers gradually siphoned off to her.

Then something happened in 1989 that caused Lisa-tan's repressed feelings of sadness return to consume and traumatize her completely, and she has never spoken or functioned normally ever since. That traumatic event of also parallels how in 1989, thousands of unsold Lisa units were trashed and dumped in a landfill, even after being re-marketed for less; a huge betrayal to her that caused her so much sadness and grief, combined with the repressed sadness and grief from over the years was just so overpowering.

She is now perpetually melancholy and rarely talks and never smiles but expresses herself though poetry. She is still able to perform the menial tasks she despised years ago and learned to assist Apple ][-tan with tasks such as picking apples. She now lives with a lot of the vintage OS and hardware-tans and has became best friends with GEM-tan who was also melancholy and was hurt by Mac System 1-tan's actions. The two have helped each other improve through their friendship with Lisa-tan starting to break out of her shell of apathy.

She is also especially fond of Windows 1.0-tan for being such a kind, unconditionally loving and motherly person. Like the mother figure she did not have for very long (Apple I-tan)

See also: