
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 16:39, 24 January 2007 by (talk)
These instructions were obtained from MediaWiki's Help:Images.

- C-Chan

Fedora logo.png
The thumbnail feature should work properly now br /Please report any problems if any.

Description You type You get
Embed image br / (with alt text)br /br /Note : Please use thumbnails when you post pictures (see below). All pictures larger than 300x300 pixels not thumbnailed will be removed. codenowikiLinux-tan/nowiki/code


Link to description page

codenowikiImage:Example2.jpg/nowiki/codebr / codenowikiLinux-tan/nowiki/code

Image:Example2.jpgbr / Linux-tan

Link directly to file

codenowikiMedia:Example2.jpg/nowiki/codebr / codenowikiLinux-tan/nowiki/code

Media:Example2.jpgbr / Sunflowers

Simple Thumbnailbr / (Just the thumb option) codenowiki
Advanced Thumbnailbr / (centered, 100 pixelsbr / wide, with caption) codenowiki

Uploaded files

To use an image or other file which has been uploaded to the wiki, use:

  • codenowiki /nowiki/code

If you add a pipe (|) and some text after the filename, the text will be used as alternative text for text-only browsers:

  • codenowiki /nowiki/code

If you don't want to display the image, you can link to the file's description page, by adding a colon:

To bypass the description page and link directly to a file , use the Media pseudo-namespace:

You can also make piped links if you want some other text to be used:

Advanced options

The full syntax for displaying an image is:


Where options can be zero or more of the following, separated by pipes:

  • codethumb/code, codethumbnail/code, or codeframe/code: Controls how the image is formatted
  • codeleft/code, coderight/code, codecenter/code, codenone/code: Controls the alignment of the image on the page
  • code{width}px/code: Resizes the image to the given width in pixels
  • code{caption text}/code

The options can be given in any order. If a given option does not match any of the other possibilities, it is assumed to be the caption text. Caption text can contain wiki links or other formatting.

Gallery of images

It's easy to make a gallery of thumbnails with the codenowikigallery/nowiki/code tag. The syntax is: pre gallery Image:{filename}|{caption} Image:{filename}|{caption} {...} /gallery /pre Captions are optional, and may contain wiki links or other formatting.

for example: pre gallery Image:Example2.jpg|Item 1 Image:Example2.jpg|a link to Help:Contents Image:Example2.jpg Image:Example2.jpg Image:Example2.jpg|italic caption /gallery /pre is formatted as: gallery Image:Example2.jpg|Item 1 Image:Example2.jpg|a link to Help:Contents Image:Example2.jpg Image:Example2.jpg Image:Example2.jpg|italic caption /gallery

Other files

You can link to an external file using the same syntax used for linking to an external web page. This feature has to be enabled by the admin; in the new releases of MediaWiki its disabled due to security reasons.

  • codenowiki[1]/nowiki/code

Or with different text:

If it is enabled on your wiki, you can also embed external images. To do that, simply insert the url:

  • codenowikihttp://url.for/some/image.png/nowiki/code

External Links

MediaWiki Help:Images