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< User:Halian
Revision as of 02:44, 31 March 2019 by Halian (talk | contribs) (blrf concatenating ands. but the only color /combination/ on SGI machines was black with purple on the Onyx, never anything with red.)
To nerds, a blank slate; to OS-tan, a healthy vegetable.
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IRIX headshot.png
Character Information
Common Names IRIX
Other Names 4D1
Human Name(s) Ayame Shoki (書記菖蒲)
Irix Clark
Faction Linux Unix Consortium
Lineage UNIX
Rival(s) TBD
Height 165 cm (5 ft 5 in)
Hair Color Blue
Eye Color Platinum
Weapon(s) Illusions and sensory attacks
First Appearance 2008-12-27
Technical Information
System Personified IRIX
Developer(s) Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Debut 1988-05
Latest release 6.5.30 (2006-08-16)

Technical details

IRIX (short for IRIS UNIX, originally called 4D1) is a System V UNIX-based operating system with 4.2BSD extensions, originally developed by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems in 1988 for its line of MIPS-based computers. It replaced GL2 (also known as the IRIS Workstation Software Distribution), which was used on their previous line of MC68000-based machines, and a third-party UNIX-based OS known as UMIPS or RISC/os (not to be confused with Acorn's RISC OS).

IRIX is especially famous for its strong support for symmetric multiprocessing, 3D graphics, video, and high-bandwidth data transfer; SGI machines saw common use in Hollywood special effects, video game development, scientific visualization, and AI research. It was also notable for being one of the first UNIX-based OSes to feature a GUI as default, shipping with the 4Dwm window manager and a custom Motif-designed desktop environment.

Character details


IRIX-tan is depicted as a woman of average height, light build, and medium endowment. She has long blue hair, which is usually swept into an elaborate, and elaborately decorated, updo. Her usual dress is equally outlandish: a gown with a deep V-neck bodice, huge collar, cape, and wide skirt, which is accentuated with metallic geometric jewelry and large, near-opaque shades styled somewhat like a domino masque. Her gowns are usually various shades of blue, but she has previously been seen wearing various cool colors and even black & purple and red.



IRIX-tan possesses the server and workstation skills one would expect of a member of the UNIX Family; however, she specializes in graphical sourcery, and this is the source of her fame. She is capable of conjuring intricate visual and illusory constructions, running the gamut from spectacular light shows to highly-detailed virtual worlds. These constructs can be used to creative and peaceful ends, and indeed she is quite popular among artists, filmmakers, designers, & scientists for these very reasons. Just as well, however, they can be used to defensive or destructive ends, such as subjecting an attacker to sensory overload or trapping them in a nightmarish dreamscape. She is quite proud of her abilities and uses them throughout her daily life, which puts her at odds with the traditionalistic old-school UNIX systems, particularly UNIX-tan herself, who finds her daughter's visual shows distracting & bothersome, and makes a point of ignoring them at all costs.


OSC fanon



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