Windows ME

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“If possible, could I have some more?”
This article could be expanded on and use more details, and needs them as much as XP-tan needs more RAM!

Windows ME-tan
Character Information
Common Names Windows ME-tan
Faction Windows Family
Lineage DOS/Win9x
Height *none listed officially
Hair Color green
Eye Color green (most common) or blue
First Appearance 2003 (first OS-tan created)
Technical Information
System Personified Windows Millennium Edition
Developer(s) Microsoft
Debut 14 Sep 2000
Latest release v.4.90.300 (Sep 2000)

Technical details

Windows ME "Millennium Edition" was released as the home user counterpart to Windows 2000 (Professional) since an actual home version of 2000 (codenamed "Odyssey") was never released, so to fill the gap, the DOS-based 9x line was continued for one more release as ME, but turned out to be notoriously unstable.

Character details

General description

Me-tan is the more cutesy personification of the much maligned and infamously unreliable Windows Me Operating System and was the first OS-tan created. She is usually known as Me-tan, but is often called Emui-san. She was created by the one now called ME-aki.

ME-tan's appearance rarely varies and is instantly recognizable. She has green hair in long braided pigtails and wears a maid outfit with an exclamation mark badge on the front modeled after the Windows error icon. She frequently carries a scallion as a weapon (sometimes a crowbar instead) to defend herself from malware attacks.

She is a hard worker and always wants to help her master (Toshiaki), and within the family, but predictably fails at everything she tries to do, often literally crashing and irritating her sisters. When she is not frozen or out of control, she tends to do things showing a lack of common sense or knowledge. But even after failure after failure, she still remains cheerful, friendly and optimistic.

In spite of, or perhaps due to, her pitiful plight, the clumsy ME-tan is one of the most beloved OS girls.

However, her male counterpart, ME-kun is more reliable and sensible than her.

Family life and relationships

Alternate character interpretations

She is always depicted as some degree of clumsy and air-headed, varying from a genius ditz who can do something decently (like gaming), or nearly incapable of anything and constantly freezing.

History and background

See also: