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Bell Operating System-tan
Character Information
Common Names Bell Operating System-tan
Other Names BESYS
Faction Deceased (died circa 1964)
Lineage IBM, direct descendant of GMOS
Height 166 cm (5'5.5")
Hair Color Dark blue
Eye Color Blue
First Appearance Jan 2010
Technical Information
System Personified Bell Operating System (BESYS)
Developer(s) Bell Labs
Debut 1957 (never publicly released)
Latest release unknown

Technical Details

BESYS was created for the IBM 7090 and 7094 mainframes (like many OSes of the era) by Bell Labs in 1957, but was never released as a commercial product. An ancestor to Multics, experience and materials from BESYS were used in Multics' development.

Character Details

A half-sister to IBSYS-tan and UMES-tan but doesn't take after them very much. She has dark blue hair and eyes. Her hair is tied with a green ribbon (in the main color of the 7094), and her eyes have the Bell logo in them, like with UNIX's. She had many jobs, and along with them, many name badges she carried. Determined to take on any task, and had an excellent singing voice, and liked to sing while she worked. However, she was hard to get along with due to BESYS' lack of technical support, yet was widely-used at Bell Labs.

Might have been the OS for the Daisy Bell computer, but IBSYS also could have been. Both of them would claim to be the first.

Like many Computer-tans of her era, she didn't live very long. When she found out how her successor, Multics would be created, she was resentful not just for being replaced, but knew it would likely be a death sentence. During that time, when an computer-tan (hardware or OS) had a successor created, it came at the expense of her life force and often was sacrificed, which was what happened to BESYS-tan in her final days.