Linux Unix Consortium

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki


The largest and strongest faction of all, created from the merger between the ineffectual Linux Union and the tattered remnants of the once-dominant Unix Family. It was cofounded by Unix and Linux-tan, once sworn enemies, now friendly and productive partners working toward a viable future for their kind. The Unix-types bring to the table the experience of a three decade-old dynasty (the long-lasting of all), plus a respectable amount of wealth and a loyal corporate and industrial base. The Linux-types offer a long sought-after infusion of new talent, being spreaders of an admirable ideological doctrine that have garnered them support from a far more diverse consumer, academic and technocratic base across the world. With their combined strength, they are (at least on paper) the most powerful faction in terms of raw strength, numbers and performance stability per capita.

Ironically, the LUC also happens to be the LEAST politically-stable faction of all, as both Unix and Linux-tan were forced to combine two very different cultures too quickly. Staunchly independent spirits, conflicting agendas, flagrant power boasting and polarized ideologies are some of the many problems that bring about almost daily infighting between the members. The problem is aggravated further by frequent returns and departures of members disinterested in a unified front, having preferring instead to add to the medley of splinter factions or opt for the quiet life of a Wanderer.

Nevertheless, the struggle to sort through the chaos continues, and progress has been made to bridge the Linux-Unix divide, as well as create inroads into previously untapped and potentially strong emerging markets. Should the day come when the LUC members settle their differences and agree to form a unified front, the resulting explosion of power and talent (reaching to every corner of the known world) is said to be akin to the awakening of a sleeping dragon.



Unix wasn't born an aristocrat but through acquired wealth, influence, fear and some sheer force of will, she made her family into a quasi-royalty with its own 'throne'. From the 1970's until the late 1980's, the Unix Family was a powerful faction and one of the most prestigious factions but as Unix's daughters grew more powerful and more spoiled, the family began to selfdestruct and tear itself apart by power struggles which would become the Unix Wars of the late 1980's to the mid-1990's. The Unix Family was further undermined by  Windows NT-tan and her forces who conquered the server OS market, where the Unices were once dominant. 

In the aftermath of the Unix Wars, the Unices could barely trust each other at all, and the era was still filled with violence, given that a lot of their war-torn and effectively abandoned former territories were being usurped by NT-san's forces. And much to their chagrin, a lot of these territories did not put uprise against the invaders, but rather welcomed their new Windows masters.

By that time, the Linux Union was around but was only a fledgeling faction and did not have a lot of power. It wasn't until recent years that the Linux Union has grown in strength and power, rivaling the remains of the Unix Family. After the Unix Wars, Unix was a changed person and befriended Linux-tan and the two of them merged their factions into the Linux/Unix Consortium. But despite Unix and Linux-tan being friends, accompanied by Minix-tan who serves as an excellent mediator, the alliance is shaky at best due to the severe conflict in ideology, with the other Unices and Linuces in the faction clashing with each other or even within their groups.