
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 19:06, 8 February 2009 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)

Elive is a Linux distro based on Debian GNU/Linux. It is notable for it's Enlightenment desktop environment, and for it's heavy use of eye candy. Despite it's decorative looks, it is quite small and fast and optimized for older hardware.

Also Known As: Elive
Drawn By: OSC artists
OS Personified: Elive Linux
OS Developer: Elive
First Released: Unknown
Latest Stable Release: 1.0 (Gem) / 5 July 2007

Elive-tan is pictured as a golden blond-haired, blue eyed young woman; physically, she resembles Mac-tan most, a reference to Elive OS X-reminiscent GUI. She always dresses her best and enjoys wearing a fancy golden gown and tiara, references to both Elive's logo and the flashy GUI of the distro. She also has a love for jewelry and gemstones of all kinds, and is known to sometimes go overboard with her extravagance.

While her dress and mannerisms may be eye-catching, her attitude is quite friendly.

See also: