Mac OS3

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki

Macintosh System 3 was released along with the Mac Plus on Jan 16, 1986 and introduced several new technologies to the Mac OS- SCSI, ADB support, Hypercard and the Hierarchical File System (HFS, allowed for there to be actual folders which could be put in another as opposed to the previous file system where there was only one level of folders)

Macintosh System 3-tan
Character Information
Common Names Mac OS3-tan
Other Names System 3
Creator Aurora Borealis
First Appearance Oct. 2006
Technical Information
System Personified Macintosh System 3
Developer(s) Apple Inc.
Debut January 16 1986
Latest release v3.3 (January 1987)

Macintosh System 3-tan is represented as a girl with long black hair with multicolored streaks and wears a colorful outfit consisting of a green hat, yellow scarf, orange checkered dress with white sleeves, red+purple striped socks and sapphire slippers. She has a height of 4'3 [129 cm] and has a very cheerful, friendly and outgoing personality, is a great networker and gets along with all of her sisters and other relatives. She is very fond of OS9-kun and shopping is one of her favorite activities. She also has a huge fear of bugs and is the least stable Mac-tan as Macintosh System 3.1 was very bug-ridden (known to have at least 30 major bugs) and System 3.2 was released to get rid of them.

See also: