
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
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A-Bomb.878-tan is an impulsive virus-tan who loves being naughty. Her apperance (the sunglasses, the color of her dress and the '5' on the side of the dress) is based off of Mr.5 from One Piece, who in the series has the power to make ANY part of his body explode like a bomb. A-Bomb-tan is one of the more nasty viru-tans, being she's not only destructive, but she uses excellent meathods of stealth to hide herself from being detected by her enemies, she can be a bit rash and doesn't normally think things through (a referance to the virus for it infects any file as soon as it's executed) which more than often gets her into more trouble than she bargained for. A-Bomb is said to be a closet psycho often masking a more sinister side with a cute exterior and smile.

Also Known As: A-Bomb
Drawn by: Gussy Keniji
OS Infected: (Possibly) Windows
Type: Memory Resident
Discovered: May, 1991

A-Bomb takes real pride in being naughty and enjoys her life as a virus to the fullest, this being said Viru-sama is considering making A-Bomb-tan into a General. She has a habit of saying Times ni! at the end of her sentences (usually when she's excitied about something or describing something), this action is another referance to the virus for one of the symptoms a computer shows when it's infected with A-Bomb is that infected files execute twice when they are run (Ni meaning 2 in japanese). She also enjoys hanging out with Mydoom-tan. She is also known for being the only one that her brother, the egomanical A-Bomb-kun, will show submission towards, how or why this is, is currently unknown, most say it's due to him fearing her 'true' power.