
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 20:52, 10 December 2023 by Halian (talk | contribs) (removing link to deleted template)


You can format your text using wiki markup. This consists of normal characters like asterisks, single quotes or equation marks which have a special function in the wiki, sometimes depending on their position. For example, to format a word in italic, you include it in two single quotes like ttnowikithis/nowiki/tt

Text formatting markup

Description You type You get
applies anywhere
Italic text ttnowikiitalic/nowiki/tt italic
Bold text ttnowikibold/nowiki/tt bold
Bold and italic ttnowikibold italic/nowiki/tt bold italic
Escape wiki markup ttnowikinowikino markup/nowiki/nowiki/tt nowikino markup/nowiki
only at the beginning of the line
Headings ofbr /

different sizes

ttnowiki==level 1==/nowiki/ttbr / ttnowiki===level 2===/nowiki/ttbr / ttnowiki====level 3====/nowiki/ttbr / ttnowiki=====level 4=====/nowiki/tt

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
Horizontal rule


Bullet list
  1. 42; onebr
  2. 42; twobr
  3. 42; threebr
  4. 42;#42; three and one-thirdbr
  5. 42;#42; three and two-thirdsbr
  • one
  • two
  • three
    • three and one-third
    • three and two-thirds
Numbered list
  1. 35; onebr /
  2. 35; twobr /
  3. 35; threebr /
  4. 35;#35; three point onebr /
  5. 35;#35; three point twobr /
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
    1. three point one
    2. three point two
Mixture of bulletedbr / and numbered lists
  1. 35; onebr /
  2. 35; twobr /
  3. 35;#42; two point onebr /
  4. 35;#42; two point twobr /
  1. one
  2. two
    • two point one
    • two point two
Definition list
  1. 59;Definitionbr /
  2. 58;item 1br /
  3. 58;item 2br /
item 1
item 2
Preformatted text

nbsp;nbsp;preformatted text is done withbr / nbsp;nbsp;a space at thebr / nbsp;nbsp;beginning of the linebr /

preformatted text is done with
a space at the 
beginning of the line


Mediawiki ignores normal line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can also start a newline with the HTML tag ttnowikibrnbsp;//nowiki/tt.


Some HTML-Tags are allowed in MediaWiki, for example ttnowikicode/nowiki/tt, ttnowikidiv/nowiki/tt, ttnowikispan/nowiki/tt and ttnowikifont/nowiki/tt.

Template:Admin tip

More advanced formatting

Beyond the basic text formatting markup shown above, there are some more advanced formatting tricks:

External Links

MetaWiki: Help:Editing