
From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 15:02, 2 February 2008 by Bella (talk | contribs)

Developed in the 70s, and peeking at popularity in the mid 80s, PR1MOS was minicomputer OS. PR1MOS shows a strong Multics influence; several former Multicians worked at Prime Computer, and the founder of Prime referred to PR1MOS as Multics-in-a-shoebox. While a contender as a mainline minicomputer operating system, PR1MOS lost favor to PCs in the early 90s.

Also Known As: Primos, DOS, DOSVM, Multics-in-a-shoebox
Drawn By: Bella
OS Personified: PR1MOS
OS Developer: Prime Computer
First Released: Late 1970s
Latest Stable Release: Unknown; early 1990s

PR1MOS-tan is shown as a somewhat mature woman, with short black hair and green eyes (the colors referencing PR1MOS's command line screen colors). She wears a simple yet elegant dress and short jacket, footless stockings and flat shoes, a strange blend of 1700s and 1980s fashion influences (the former being a nod to Multics-tan's grandiose style of dress). She also wears a PR1MOS armband on her left arm, a reference to DOS-tan's style of dress, as PR1MOS's original name was DOS.

Her attitude is quite and professional. She is much like Multics-sama and in fact worships her in a way; although they share no relation.

See also: