The Smoking Gun

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 13:27, 20 March 2008 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)

The Smoking Gun-tan is depicted as a serious-looking grey-haired woman with glasses, and wearing a black shirt, red tie, orange vest, red skirt and drab chartreuse blazer. She'll take nearly any case (she especially likes the outrageous, shocking and obscure kinds), which she's prepared for with her folders full of evidence and pictures. Also specializes in declassifying files and has an impressive gallery of various mug shots which she shows off with pride. She specializes in legal and police work.

The Smoking Gun-tan
Character information
Common name The Smoking Gun-tan
Also known as TSG-tan
First appearance Sep 2007
Technical information
Website personified
Website type Display legal documents and photos
Developer(s) William Bastone and Daniel Green

Most others are scared of The Smoking Gun-tan, knowing that she can use nearly anything someone says or does against them and with her being friends with Fark-tan, who can blurt that stuff out to the masses, make it well-known quickly.