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Pilot OS-tan
Character Information
Common Names Pilot OS-tan
Other Names Xerox Star
Creator C-Chan
First Appearance Apr 2008
Technical Information
System Personified Pilot OS
Developer(s) Xerox
Debut 1981
Latest release ?


Pilot OS is a single-user, multitasking OS designed for a networking environment, was made for the Xerox Star workstation and is the first commercial grade GUI OS but did not sell well at all due to its extremely high price (Xerox Stars cost $16,000 each, and with a typical office requiring multiple machines). Although a commercial failure, Pilot OS and the Xerox Star influenced or inspired many OSes.

Pilot OS-tan is little pilot girl with short blonde hair and intense red eyes and wears a pilot's outfit, goggles, an aviator cap with the Xerox logo on it and wields a pistol. Because of years of hardship she endured after being abandoned long ago, she is very short-tempered, bitter, has little good to say about anything modern, generally keeps to herself and manifests her discontent with lots of swearing and guilt-tripping others. However, she does not mind putting herself in danger to help the Vintage-tans she lives with but generally-speaking her only close friend is the similarly bitter PCDOS-tan.

OSC Notes

Pilot OS-tan was the pride-and-joy of her company back in her youth and had an impressive fleet of airplanes but was abandoned for one reason or another, left to fend for herself while her territory dwindled, and without money to maintain her fleet of aircraft or even feed herself. The only airplane she has left (and in barely working condition) is her beloved first plane, dubbed the X-Star.

She helps her friend PC-DOS-tan arrange reunions with MS-DOS-tan, who in turn uses her old business contacts to get repair parts for the X-Star at affordable prices.

Although emotionally scared and nearly penniless, she does not resent her life in the Binteeji Renmei at all, happy to be surrounded by good and hard-working OS-tans.

See also: