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Also Known As: Pink Sugar
Drawn by: Gussy Keniji
OS Infected: Linux
Type: EXE Infector
Discovered: February 5, 1997

Bliss-tan- A happy go lucky Virus-tan, Bliss-tan is probably one of the most mysterious Viru-tans around, for the simple (or rather, not so simple) fact that she acts so little like a virus and causes little to no trouble at all (Abraxas-tan is an expection to this, for her personality maybe similar to Bliss-tans, but it's due to a bug in her progamming therefore, it's not her TRUE nature). Bliss-tan was noted as one of the first 'Viruses' to be able to 'infect' the Lunix/Unix-tans, but the only thing known to be of a nuisance was the fact that she attached herself to the victim (klinging to them rather cutely) which would sometimes obstruct the Lunix/Unix-tans from normal tasks, if asked to leave she will thank them for their time and leave as she was asked to (A referance to the true Bliss virus, for it has a a command line action named '-bliss-uninfect-files please'. If executed, the virus will actually remove itself from the infected files).

Due to her behavior she was never isolated, and is kept among the Lunix/Unix-tans, which marks her as the 1st Viru-tan to co-exsist with OS-tans without causing any real upset in balance. Bliss-tan is capable of flight, and is sometimes seen flying in the sky when she goes outside to play. As of now, no one seems to know why Bliss-tan isn't as malicious as her fellow virus-tans, some even believe she shouldn't even be classified a virus. Her appearance is based off 2 pokemon, Happiny (Chansey's pre-evolved stage) for her prodominant pink color as well as the fact that Bliss-tan is depicted to look rather young, and Clefairy (her angel-like wings) both of said pokemon have something relevent to the concept of Happiness (Happiny having the word 'Happy in her name, and Clefairy who can be alternatively obtained when it's baby form, Cleffa, harbours great affection towards it's trainer). Bliss-tan's personality is derived from her name, which is another meaning for 'Happiness' or 'Joy', the fact that the only 'infection' she can inflict is klinging to her victim is yet another referance to the Bliss virus. Bliss-tan is usually found in the company of Barbie Lunix