Windows 3.1

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Windows 3.1-tan
Character Information
Common Names Windows 3.1
Other Names Windows 3.0, Windows 3.x, WfW 3.11
Faction Windows Family
Lineage DOS/Win9x
Height *none listed officially
Hair Color grey
Eye Color red
First Appearance Unknown
Technical Information
System Personified Windows 3.0 - 3.11
Developer(s) Microsoft
Debut March 22, 1990
Latest release v3.11 (December 1993)

Character Details


Windows 3.1-tan (3.1たん) was one of the less common Windows personifications but is now part of the OS-tan canon. The first appearances of Windows 3.1 have used a white mech-box similar to that used by 98 and 98SE, piloted by a girl who appears to be DOS/V.

The portrayal that became part of the OS-tan canon is that of a frail grey-haired young girl in a long frilly violet gown, with a 3.1 brooch on her collar. She has a quiet personality and is usually accompanied by either a black cat (sometimes nicknamed DOS Kitty) or a small black-haired catgirl in a nurse's outfit, both representing DOS 6.22. She is often seen with Windows NT-tan and 95-tan but has an inseparable relationship with DOS Kitty as Windows 3.x is highly dependent on DOS compared to its successors which mainly used a stripped-down version for booting.

She was usually depicted as being quiet and deadpan, but now depictions of her being cheerful and carefree are about equally common.

Family and Relationships

OSC!Windows 1.0 and 2.0

In OSC-based continuity, 3.1-tan was very close to 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan in childhood, but currently only has a patchy memory of them. A possible interpretation was that part of her memory was wiped after 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan were exiled. Or if she remembers them, she knows she cannot speak of them to the rest of her family, who don't know or remember them.

Futaba!Windows 1.0

In Futaba-based OS-tan continuity, 3.1-tan is emotionally the closest to Futaba!1.0-tan, and they are usually seen together.

Within the Windows Family

She is close to NT-tan, 95-tan and MS-DOS-tan, but is generally distant from the rest. Sometimes in pictures, she's seen together with ME-tan, and there have been jokes about 3.1-tan being the littlest sister of the family since she's smaller than the petite ME-tan, and often looks younger than her as well.

Alternate Character Interpretation

History and Background

It was previously thought that 3.1-tan would have been a civilian supporting the Windows Family on the sidelines during the OS Wars, but fairly recently, pictures depicting 3.1-tan in military uniforms suggest a another character interpretation; that she may have taken a more proactive role in the wars.

See also: