CIOST Annex Bios

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Confederation Of Independent OS-tans


[[File: ]]

  • Name: OpenVMS
  • aka: VMS, VAX Monitoring System
  • Debut: 1977
  • Height: 173 cm (5'8")
  • Weight: 64 kg
  • Eye Color: purple
  • Hair: dark blue w/ silver highlights
  • Quick Facts:
    • -The last native DEC OS-tans to be employed after the breakup of her company.
    • -Was a military officer during her days at DEC, but has since become a vigilante.
    • -She wielded a rapier during her youth but has since switched to a large cleaver/longsword hybrid, as well as a variety of knives.
    • -One of the most powerful OS-tans in the world, VMS-tan relies on strength and strategy over agility.
    • -Has an outwardly cold, misanthropic and cheerless disposition.
    • -Has an obsession with security and self-defense that borders on paranoia.
    • -Known to be rather brutal and merciless in her treatment of viruses, crackers and skiddies.
    • -Loves sharks, spending time on the ocean and scuba dives in her spare time.
    • -Is rumoured to play a wicked game of Scrabble.
    • -Has one daughter, Windows NT-tan, who was created unbeknownst to her.
    • -The leader of the technologically advanced, but otherwise ragtag Confederation of independent OS-tans (CIOST).
    • -Wears mostly dark coloured clothing; she typically keeps her hair tied in a ponytail, and is of an average (if not rather muscular) build.








IMSAI 8080

[[File: ]]

  • Name: IMSAI 8080
  • aka:
  • Debut: 12/16/1975
  • Height: 142 cm (4'8")
  • Weight: ?? kg
  • Eye Color: violet
  • Hair: white
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Usually has a stoic and edgy attitude, but can also be kind to others.
    • -A good tactician, skilled with modern technology and has connections to important information networks.
    • -A former megalomaniac, in her prime she was a military engineer who led over her territory with a dictatorship, with plans of mind control and world domination.
    • -Was arch-rivals with Altair, but both faded into obscurity by the early 80's.
    • -Lost out to user-friendlier competitors (i.e: PET, Apple II) and nearly met her demise due to faulty technology.
    • -DR-DOS's childhood friend and mentor, who she inspired to be ambitious and powerful, though with unintended consequences she regrets.
    • -Felt hopeless as a wanderer, joined the CIOST in the early 2000's which gave her new feelings of hope along with the desire to improve herself and help others, especially fellow underdogs.
    • -Helps the various CIOST members stay in contact with each other.
    • -Friends with BeOS, MenuetOS and Apple III, DR-DOS, and has also reconciled with Altair in recent years.
    • -Has her hair decorated with a teal headband and alternating red and blue hair clips.
    • -Her outfit is modeled after the IMSAI 8080's color scheme.




[[File: ]]

  • Name: OpenVME
  • aka: "Virtual Machine Environment"
  • Debut: mid 1970's
  • Height: 158 cm (5'2")
  • Weight: ?? kg
  • Eye Color: blue-grey
  • Hair: blonde
  • Quick Facts:
    • -Normally whimsical and easily distracted, but can get aggressive. (unfinished version was supposed to be fault tolerant)
    • -Leads to Buffy-speak.
    • -Can be snobby, considers herself better then Unix or Windows derivatives.
    • -One of the IBM-tan's many enemies.
    • -Never has been awfully successful, and doesn't really have many friends.
    • -Prefers to remain above the petty bickering of others, and eat pastries.
    • -Has undergone a series of rather serious experimental surgeries, leading to an.... interesting internal arrangement (system's been overhauled, rebuilt, and combined a lot)
    • -At one point, someone tried to graft Unix type wings on her. (see above)
    • -Changes labels around on her friends or enemies belongings.
    • -A skilled civil engineer, designs and constructs her own buildings. (QuickBuild application)
    • -Wears a steampunk-style outfit with layers of clothing, and has heavy plastic-rimmed glasses. Her eyes are usually bloodshot.
    • -Has mismatched wings. One is a black owl wing, the other some sort of white wing, neither of which retract, both wing roots are surrounded by scars and metal.



[[File: ]]

  • Name: Primos
  • aka: PR1MOS, DOS(VM), Multics-in-a-Shoebox
  • Debut: mid 1970's
  • Height: 163 cm (5'4")
  • Weight: 54.5 kg (120 lb)
  • Eye Color: green
  • Hair: black
  • Quick Facts:
    • -A Natick, Massachusetts native.
    • -Shy and demure, spent little time in the public spotlight.
    • -Capable of living off sparse resources.
    • -Fond of Multics, her spiritual ancestor.
    • -Friends with Honeywell Kitchen Computer, Domain/OS and the Wang-tans.
    • -Adaptable and inventive.
    • -Seems perfectly happy living “under the radar”.
    • -Thinks it's a waste of emotion to feel sorrow for the demise of her company, PR1ME.
    • -Physically in her early 20s, short flipped black hair, wears simplified Rococo-style fashion, typically a bit tattered, with 1980s twists. Can easily live out of a suitcase.







