Tiny OS

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Revision as of 23:17, 26 January 2011 by Aurora Borealis (talk | contribs)


Character Details

Tiny OS-tan is represented as a tiny girl with short dark blue hair in pigtails and wears sunglasses. Her outfit is a cyberpunk-inspired black spysuit with a sleeveless white overcoat and a helmet decorated with blue squares resembling the Tiny OS logo. In her 'normal' form, she is 20 cm, and 120 cm in her 'human-sized' form.

She is a hi-tech super-spy, and has been employed by other OS-tans as security, or to hunt down criminals. However, she does not like to travel, only doing so for her missions, and just because she will help others doesn't mean she will make it a pleasant experience, and will demand that you follow her rules which are in a strict order (not a preemptive multitasking OS, multitasking is done in a strict order). She is disgruntled, aggressive, has an explosive temper, and is even the most aggressive CIOST member!

Despite her unpleasant demeanor, she has a strong sense of justice and will see to it that it never gets compromised. Somehow, she considers Contiki-tan something of a friend.