Newton OS

From OS-Tan Collections Wiki
Saseko’s hungry for more RAM!
“If possible, could I have some more?”
This article could be expanded on and use more details, and needs them as much as XP-tan needs more RAM!

Newton OS-tan
Character Information
Common Names Newton OS-tan
Other Names Apple Newton
Faction Wanderer Class
Lineage independent
Height 30 cm (1'0")
Hair Color black
Eye Color red w/ green highlights
First Appearance Mar 2007
Technical Information
System Personified Apple Newton hardware and Newton OS
Developer(s) Apple Inc.
Debut 1993
Latest release 1998

Character Details

Newton-tan is represented as a fairy in a grey dress and white blouse with short black hair, green wings and a Newton logo headband. Her eyes are a two-toned red-to-green gradient color.

She is timid and lacks self-confidence, being a commercial failure who left the Apple house in 1998, but is still determined to be helpful to someone in need. Although she can fly, she is afraid of heights.

A self-proclaimed expert writer, as Apple set the bar for handwriting recognition very high, but she is actually only average at it since the Newton, although better at handwriting than commonly believed, didn't quite live up to Apple's promises.

Newton-tan design