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Revision as of 17:09, 11 December 2011

Classes of OS-tans and hardware-tans, sorted by size of hardware


Includes OSes for mainframe systems.

Examples: IBM System/360 and OSes, Cray computers, SAGE


Relatively small workstation or server-class computers of the 60's and 70's and their OSes.

Examples: DEC PDP line


Desktop and laptop computers, and the OSes they run.


High-end microcomputers and OSes mainly used for business and scientific applications. There is considerable overlap between workstation and server OSes.

Examples: Xerox Alto, Xerox Star, NeXTSTEP, IRIX, AIX, Solaris


Computer systems that store files for a network, and can be accessed by others.

Examples: NeXTSTEP, IRIX, AIX, Solaris, Mac OSX Server, VMS, Windows Server.

Personal Computers

Microcomputer systems mainly for home and small-business use.

"home computer"

A historical grouping the low-cost 8-bit and 16-bit microcomputers of the 70's through the early 90's. Many have a built-in programming language interpreter, most commonly BASIC.

Examples: Apple II, Commodores, Atari computers


Examples: Windows CE, Windows Mobile, Android, iOS

Other Classes

These classes don't neatly fit into the above size-based categories.

Embedded OS

OSes that may be ran on electronic systems of any size, desktop computers included, but rarely used on desktops. Most commonly dedicated to the system they run on, and many are real-time OSes.

Examples: ROMDOS, OS-9, QNX


Computers or OSes of any class that were never officially released.

Examples: Copland, Windows Odyssey, Windows Neptune, Commodore 65