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Necromancy, among OS-tans, is generally considered a cultural taboo. The reason for this is because it is generally perceived as a huge insult to descendants of the revived, as most forms of necromancy generally fails to restore most aspects of a -tan, and thus the "undead" -tan is often a very bleak shadow of her former self. However, notable exceptions exist from later days; in particular Colossus-tan, who is suspected to have been revived to power levels even beyond those she originally possessed - yet, at a great cost.
An important thing to remember when dealing with OS-tan necromancy, is that brushing with death sometimes changes an OS-tan's mind in quite horrifying ways; and while most who do lose their sanity do that as weak individuals on the very brink of their own destruction, a successful revival can often bring back their lives, without taking along their minds. With Colossus-tan, her innate coldbloodedness and killing instincts were amplified greatly, turning her from an efficient spy to a brutally effective assassin; in the case of WITCH, her curiosity, sense for problem-solving and teacherly strictness, turned her into a ruthless, sadistic inquisitor.
