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Personality-wise, Mac OS-tan is short-tempered, and is known to throw memorable fits of insane rage when angered. Aside from her platinum-white bodysuit and apple adornment on her head, another memorable feature is the bomb she usually carries based on the standard Macintosh error dialog.  She is frequently shown in pictures and comic strips trying to use these bombs against Windows-tans and other miscellaneous characters that annoy her (e.g., [[Toshiaki]], the [[OSX-kuns]]).  When offered appreciation, however, her temper subsides and she becomes relatively friendly, if perhaps a bit direct.
Personality-wise, Mac OS-tan is short-tempered, and is known to throw memorable fits of insane rage when angered. Aside from her platinum-white bodysuit and apple adornment on her head, another memorable feature is the bomb she usually carries based on the standard Macintosh error dialog.  She is frequently shown in pictures and comic strips trying to use these bombs against Windows-tans and other miscellaneous characters that annoy her (e.g., [[Toshiaki]], the [[OSX-kuns]]).  When offered appreciation, however, her temper subsides and she becomes relatively friendly, if perhaps a bit direct.

See also:

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