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==Creation and birth==
==Creation and birth==
Very little is known about how OS-tans (and computer-tans in general( are created and/or born. A few theories have been mentioned, but none have ever been written about in-depth.

====Computer-tans created by humans====
One commonly-depicted way of OS-tan creation involves being made "from scratch" by human creators. This is how the earliest computer-tans were made, and even in more contemporary times a large number of computer-tans exist without having any sort of ancestral line.
====Computer-tans born to computer-tan parents====
OS-tans are often depicted as being able to reproduce asexually. Using advanced scientific or magical techniques, [source] code can be extracted from an OS-tan's body and used to create offspring. The extracted code from an OS-tan can be changed or enhanced, giving the offspring specific physical, mental and magical "mutations"; very rarely it is left alone, resulting in an exact duplicate or clone of the OS-tan in question.
While source code is usually obtained legally, sometimes the code is stolen and used to create unauthorized clones or children. This was the case in the creation of [[UNIX]]-tan, who was created from [[Multics]]' code without her knowledge or approval; [[SABRE]]-tan, who was created from [[SAGE]]'s code; and in the Annex universe, [[Windows NT]]-tan, who was made from [[VMS]] and [[OS/2]]-tan's code.
OS-tans do not gestate their young. Indeed, an OS-tan doesn't even need to be present to have a child created, as evidenced by Unix, who managed to "mother" dozens of direct descendants with little personal intervention; and Linux, who has perhaps hundreds of children created from her openly-available source code.  It is unknown exactly how OS-tan offspring are grown, but they seem to undergo some sort of accelerated maturation - the youngest OS-tans within the fanon and Annex universe(s) are depicted as being elementary school-age, with no known fanon depictions of baby or toddler OS-tans existing.
It has been speculated that any sufficiently compatible computer-tans of the same species (OS, hardware, program, etc) could produce a child together. However, there are no documented cases of computer-tans reproducing in such a way. The only fanon example of an OS-tan produced from two parents is NT-tan. The yet-unpersonified PDP-12-tan would be another case of a computer-tan derived from two parents - in her case, [[LINC]] and [[PDP-8]]-tan.

==Factors that determine remaining life force, decline, and death==
==Factors that determine remaining life force, decline, and death==

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