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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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QuoteOh no!!

C-chan has boobies now?

Come closer, C-chan o.o

*grabs C-chan and covers in blanket* Here, as a fellow -tan, I feel the need to protect you now... ^^;;

I promise I won't shrink you :_:

*sniff sniff*  Thank you, Codi-san....  It feels so strange not being a pig anymore.... ;~;

But I must ask you....  *suspicous glare*  What's with this "I feel the need to protect you NOW"?  Ã,¬_Ã,¬
You don't mean to say that when I was a poor, hapless, defenseless little pig, I could fly a kite?  Ã,¬vÃ,¬
Or in my case, be squashed by roast beef...?  -v-'

Quoteoh well...btw, when making signatures is the most commonly used tool photoshop?

Photoshop = great for drawing raster images
Illustrator = great for drawing vector images
Inkscape = great for drawing vector images for FREE, or if you're on a Linux machine.  ^__^

QuoteSince my dad runs a computer shop ( he is part of the Microsoft Business Retail thing and gets some Beta discs. And since he didnt want it on his Ive now got a 2nd HDD with Vista Beta 2 on it. Its quite good but even in 32-bit it takes up 600mb of Ram in idle.

[to self] 'Kay, guess it's worth a shot...  ^__^

Um,... Alex...?
You live in the UK, right?  ^__^
By any chance, have you ever heard of any of the following systems....?  ^v^'

BBC Micro
Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Sinclair QL
Amstrad CPC

Thanks in advance.  -v-

*crosses fingers*


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

*sniff sniff*  Thank you, Codi-san....  It feels so strange not being a pig anymore.... ;~;

But I must ask you....  *suspicous glare*  What's with this "I feel the need to protect you NOW"?  Ã,¬_Ã,¬
You don't mean to say that when I was a poor, hapless, defenseless little pig, I could fly a kite?  Ã,¬vÃ,¬
Or in my case, be squashed by roast beef...?  -v-'

Ah! Don't misconstrue! I have always felt the need to protect cute things. However, you've demonstrated you're very strong ^o^ However now as a fellow -tan, we gotta stick side by side, you know!

But now we can't play this little piggy anymore :_:
So cute it\'s deadly!

Alex Stankevitch

Ive heard of Amstrad as the owner of the company does a Donald Trump copy of The Apprentice. But I dont know of any of the other, but maybe that BBC is from the British Broadcasting Company people, the ones with all the TV channels.


QuoteAh! Don't misconstrue! I have always felt the need to protect cute things. However, you've demonstrated you're very strong ^o^ However now as a fellow -tan, we gotta stick side by side, you know!

But now we can't play this little piggy anymore :_:

Especially now that I'm bigger....  -____-'

*shows off forcefully-transmogrified 2K-tan body*

I've always wondered who was taller,... 2K-tan or XP-tan.  Guess now's the best chance to find out.  -__-'

QuoteIve heard of Amstrad as the owner of the company does a Donald Trump copy of The Apprentice. But I dont know of any of the other, but maybe that BBC is from the British Broadcasting Company people, the ones with all the TV channels.[/quot]

*snaps finger*  Well,... thought I tried.  -v-
But if that Donald Trump reference means yes, then I guess 1 out of 6 ain't so bad.  ^-^

And you do have a point,... the BBC did branch off into so many markets, so it wouldn't be out there that they funded their own brand of personal computers in the 80's.  Guess I'll find out when the time comes.  ^__^

Alex Stankevitch

Well the BBC dont make them anymore and Amstrad to my knowledge make video telephones.

Its usually Dell and PC World leading the markets around here.


If i could feed all of Ethiopia, i would. I would by them all sandwhiches or something... Just wanted to put that out there.


"Give a man a sandwich, and he'll be able to eat for the rest of the day.
Teach a man how to make a sandwich, and he'll be able to eat for life."

Course, that's a little simplistic given all that many "clandestine" factors involved with state of things, but it's based on an old wise saying you made me remember.  -v-

(the original talked about fish, I think.)


Thank you Eastern way of thinking.

hm... I never noticed my post count before.  When did I get to be 95-tan? haha


QuoteQuote from : NewYinzer neither!

Anyway...Alfamille put a link to us on Wikipedia. Do you realize how many people pass through Wikipedia's OS-tan page? How do you think I got hooked!

A toast to the victor of our site...Alfamille!

QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

Hmmm,... now that I mention it, it WAS Wiki that got me started with the whole OS-tan thing.

Whereas some people's first OS-tan was ME-tan, mine just happened to be Wikipi!  ^v^

All Hail Alfamille!!  ^V^

Ya know...I kinda noticed when I lurked around here this morning and I dound a lot of this "All hail Alfamille" messages...

Oh, was it the about the one in Wikipedia...I just do what I have to do...

I dunno why someone deleted it before...but I have to do something to put it back on Wikipedia.

....not to mention that to give a specific introduction of this forum into Wikipedia like ongoing new characters, fanfictions, and comics and also introduce the forum as os tan international fans.

...I think it helped. Tnx to you two for cheering me up ^_^ ;001  We international fans can and should never be ignored!


Fixed today :

- URLs in bbcodes //
- Links in gallery
- Custom titles
- Minor glitches

Please blame Pitkin for any new bug you may found  ;010


When will someone make a wikipedia sort of os-tan?

lol, and slowly but surely World of Warcraft is stealing my soul...

thank god for the punishment mom inflicted upon me so many years ago to ban me from video games on weekdays otherwise I might not have joined...

[edit]: woot I submitted my first If only I could find the site it was fun

Alex Stankevitch

Quote from: "Ultimaninja"When will someone make a wikipedia sort of os-tan?

Im sure ive seen one around on the Internet, somewhere....

Probably could be called Wiki-tan though.


The name's tan, Wikipe-tan.


Wikipe-tan, name it is....  -v-

Oh, and am I seeing things or is it just me.  ^^'

This appears on the top of the forum:

(01:45:33) Pitkin: choco-keeki is the best ^__^
(01:47:04) SleepyD: kakaka

Oh, and in an unrelated note.  I'm back to being a pig again!  ^__^



no praiding pigs, you call  them pigs.  YOU PIG!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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