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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Those are some great pics

I'll have some of my own up sometime soon; showing off my iBook and such


Thanks Pentium! : D

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 02, 2011, 12:35:25 PM
it all looks pretty cool, bells! makes me want to visit the air and space museum eventually. ^^ plus, the guidance computer makes me wonder if we've -tanned it yet, which then makes me wonder what the reaction of the people of the 60's would be upon learning that a computer can be cute. ("look at this vocaloid!" "what's a vocaloid...?" "a singing computer." "WHAAAAAAAAAAT.")
other than that, that board game looks epic! and stew really DOES have epic sideburns! *__*;

and that first picture of the missiles made me lol so hard that i need to do something with it. look for it in RPT. >w<;;

The Air and Space Museum was awesome. ^^ We have an Apollo Guidance Computer-tan already (second from the RIGHT, listed "ACG/Luminary"), but she's not that well-developed character-wise...

The epic-est sideburns. *______*;;;

I'm gonna have to make a macro with the Washington Monument in retaliation. XD I'm also going to have to post the rest of the pics from my trip.... but not now, I'm too tired to. x_x


Thank you, I do rather like my sideburns.


they're worthy of praise. :3
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Oh my yes. ^w^

You know what this means? Now that Stew has a mustache and sideburns, I can officially say that every guy I've ever liked has sported facial hair of some kind. (Not a very impressive list, mind you - it's like, three past crushes and one fictional character who I had insane asexual cuddlelust for - but it's consistent enough to point to some sort of pattern...) xD


bella gained a fetish! level up!
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thought the shirt was for your sister in law?

either way, you guys look badass. -w-;
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It was. But I changed my mind. I wanted PONY.


How badass Nej is: he has no trouble looking completely badass wearing an MLP teeshirt. (Those are some skillz.)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 06, 2011, 12:25:31 AM
bella gained a fetish! level up!

Should i report to the appropriate department?


not if you don't feel like it. :3
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 07, 2011, 08:29:50 PM
not if you don't feel like it. :3

I never said I didn't. ◔‿◔


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Well, I finally got around to uploading some new pics:
He's trying to hypnotize you into giving him chicken...
Here's the copy of Windows XP I ordered for that PC I'm fixing up for my dad; as it was when it arrived. It not only was unregistered, but still sealed in the protective plastic bubble; exactly how I remember seeing it at Office Depot ages ago.
This is the new keyboard I bought for Fuuka. Compared to the Microsoft Natural Keyboard I bought for 2k, this one takes up less space on the desk and has some nice shortcuts for OS X, while still being quite comfortable to type on.
The desk I used for PentiumMMX the Laptop back in '04 has finally returned to my room...and Poe decided to make himself comfortable on it.
This is Sonata, my clamshell graphite iBook G3. She joined the fleet to take the place of Bulbasaur and to serve as an alternate laptop...although, her lack of an AirPort card at the moment limits her to playing Nanosaur. However, I have one on the way, so she'll soon be able to travel with me much like Asagi.
This is Sonata's charger; the Apple yo-yo charger. Why can't more laptop chargers look this cool?
Sylvester, making himself comfortable on my favorite comforter. Apparently, he likes it too
Last but not least, a picture of my 3 mousepads; OS/2, Apple, and the OS-tan mousepad that I recently obtained (Covering the lack of a Windows-branded mousepad). What is worth noting is how the OS-tan mousepad feels better made than the Apple one, but was $5 cheaper


KITTY!!! <333

*is still semi-jealous over mousepad >w<;*
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