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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Aurora Borealis

@Choco: You're not going to claim you created them, did you? If your teacher found out that they originated from another source altogether (Futaba), which could easily be found out just by doing a Google search on the OS-tans, they're really not going to be happy about that.

If anything, could you give the original credit to Futaba for creating the first OS-tan characters, then mention your contributions to the fandom and expanded OS-tan universe?

Or if that doesn't work, you do your encyclopedia on the historical computer systems themselves.


but we're supposed to ILLUSTRATE the encyclopedia, so historic computer encylo. is out. >__< as for the -tans themselves, the origin of them is futaba/nijiura, but the trail ends there, which means they've become free use characters due to lack of ownership. sure, we all know that none of us created them, but we don't know who DID. it's like how we don't know who does graffiti, and we know we didn't do it, but it's fair game if you wanted to use it for something because the chain of ownership is non-existant.

idk what else to do for the fricken project, i had the perfect idea and it got killed dead. >__<;;
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Hmm... well the "expanded universe" set of OS-tans is original to this place... maybe if you explained that OS-tans were originally limited to Windows (and Mac, even though there are only a few "canon" Mac-tans) and that we created the rest (and many of the working of the OS-tan universe) that'd work.

Anyway. I set a personal land speed record today! ~73mph. On an interstate. Which was scary as hell. But I've finally completed my death-missle piloting (read: driving) training and am ready to get my license~


*pat pat* good for you bella!

look, if you guys have a problem with me using your work, i'll find another topic. >__<
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I don't have a problem with you using my work - feel free to, in fact, I'd love the exposure. 8D

Dr. Kraus

ZUN, god he is a genius!

My lecture got accepted today by my teacher so its official official that I'm doing it now! Using touhou to show Shintoism, Buddhism, legends, myths, yokai, Yama, Shimigami, etc. Then with a great transition I go into the modern Japanese technology and show the Hatsune Miku 39's Giving Day concert! My Teacher was actually getting pumped for it when I was telling her what I was going to talk about so I should be getting a ton of bonus points (hopefully) by teaching the class next week (for probably Wednesday and Thursday, maybe Friday if I'm taking my time and doing activity's!)! Anyone with touhou stuff please send it my way!!!! I need everything I can get my hands on!!!!     


i think i already posted a link to the album i found.

and KICKASS that you're presenting the giving day concert!! ^0^ it's soooo cool, yet gets very little exposure since vocaloid is a subsect of anime culture. ^^;

@bella: the classroom is the only arena i'd be taking credit for it. in every other setting, i'd fully say that i didn't create them (except maybe SAGE, i think i contributed to her design :3). i was thinking about posting this online at some point, so i'd give you guys full credit where it's due. :3

i'm out sick today, so i think i'll begin work on the illustrated os-cyclopedia. ^^ once it's done, we might be able to port some of it over to the os wiki, mainly like the drawings and stuff. ^^
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Dr. Kraus


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So yeah, I'm on spring break now.  Hooray.  It's like school but I'm at home and have a lot less to do.


Painful headache is painful x.x


Paul, you're having headache too? So am I. >.<


Yep, going to bed early because of it :/


i feel your pain, only in my tooth instead of my head. F*cking filling. >__<;;

@stew: you too? :3
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