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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I have put a new connector for the gallery, so you should be able to use it from now.
You can follow this link :
or just use the link i've put on top of forums...

Dr. Kraus

Thanks Fedora I've been trying to get to the Gallery for some time now!

Rendering a 1000x1000 with nothing but the following:
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Wacom Bamboo Tablet
3200% zoom
1 pixel brush stroke


@doc: ummmm, is that supposed to be bad? if you want sympathy use MSpaint. xDD
@Fedora-sama: thankyou! it's good to have the gallery link back. ^^
btw, is there any way to get rid of the email updates? it's REEEALY annoying to open up my inbox and see a bunch of "new post in.." emails from here. >__<
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Kari, go to this page:;area=notification;u=2855

Un-check "Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic", hit "Save Settings" then unsubscribe from the threads listed below.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 05, 2011, 05:26:11 PM
@doc: ummmm, is that supposed to be bad? if you want sympathy use MSpaint. xDD

Well its just time consuming and a pain because it probably won't ever come out well.
MSpaint is my mortal enemy!


but the MSpaint character is cute. :3
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Quote from: Dr. Kraus on January 05, 2011, 04:11:56 PM
Thanks Fedora I've been trying to get to the Gallery for some time now!

Rendering a 1000x1000 with nothing but the following:
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Wacom Bamboo Tablet
3200% zoom
1 pixel brush stroke
You feel my pain.
I always have to make sure everything is perfect, so often times I'll go down to 1 pixel.
"oh my gosh this line isn't perfectly straight for 1500 pixels, I'll have to go back over it with a 1 pixel brush to make sure its straight!"

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Krizonar on January 05, 2011, 06:26:07 PM
Quote from: Dr. Kraus on January 05, 2011, 04:11:56 PM
Thanks Fedora I've been trying to get to the Gallery for some time now!

Rendering a 1000x1000 with nothing but the following:
Adobe Fireworks CS5
Wacom Bamboo Tablet
3200% zoom
1 pixel brush stroke
You feel my pain.
I always have to make sure everything is perfect, so often times I'll go down to 1 pixel.
"oh my gosh this line isn't perfectly straight for 1500 pixels, I'll have to go back over it with a 1 pixel brush to make sure its straight!"
Well due to drumming last year in my marching band my hand isn't as steady as it used to be so I have to really take my time and use quick strokes.
I'm hopping that when I start Art 1 in the 2nd semester I'll be able to control my hand and improve my skills :D


i can understand where you're coming from when you say it like that xD i do most of my work freehand off the computer. if i was to do it on the computer, i'd probably make the lineart and then colour it on the computer to avoid that problem xD
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It's soon the fourth time I reach 800 posts. T_T; Every time I get that far, I do some cleaning in the Suggestions forum (now finished) and end up losing in post count. I feel I'm walking in a treadmill. ;_;


When you get to my size, you just stop counting. -w-;

ON OTHER NOTES, tomorrow I'm leaving this warm-blooded continent.


Quote from: Pitkin on January 06, 2011, 04:23:36 PM
It's soon the fourth time I reach 800 posts. T_T; Every time I get that far, I do some cleaning in the Suggestions forum (now finished) and end up losing in post count. I feel I'm walking in a treadmill. ;_;
I could've sworn your title was Mac OSX earlier today. Now I know I was right!


what's so bad about breaking 800? just leave it. :3

in related news: i brok 5k and didn't even realize it. :3
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Choco posts a lot =D

Choco is the only one who can threaten nejin's posting abilities D:

and i just noticed i'm almost at 2k! XD
My my, aren't you lovely~


yay! you're almost windows 2k! hay wait, that means you're almost me ;__;

heh, i learned from master, thus i learned from the best. -w-
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