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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Me too. :\

Do yourselves a favour: NEVER go to a BP for auto service. Damn scam artists got us again when we went there to get one of Katja's tires fixed; it had a slow leak, and they refused to do anything about it, saying the tires were too dry rotted to fix and that they would replace them for us instead.

Patching a leak - $15
4 new tires - $312
Getty then telling us that I'm leaking oil and compressor fluid and that they will gladly fix those for us too (despite me never seeing leaks in her yet) - Priceless
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Honestly, why do they keep going there if they keep getting ripped off? That shop seems like the type to insist one pay $5,000 to replace the entire engine in something, when all it needs is a change of spark plugs that would likely cost $20 tops :\


I think it was proximity in this case. My grandpa regretted it after, as we were going to get the car.

I may take her to someone else for a second opinion. Mum wants someone to check and see if they broke/tampered with something (a bit paranoid, but possible).
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Indeed. I'll know to avoid that place once I move

So, although the plans for the convention in Tyler have fallen through, my sister unintentionally cast the first stone for me to go to next year's AB; telling mom that the reason I'm skipping on Rose City Comic Con is because I "want to save up to go to Anime Boston with Kari next year". So, after my vacation in a few weeks I'll start saving up for that on the side, and incorporate it into my moving (While I'm in the area, I'll get an idea of pricing for a car, and maybe I'll relocate some smaller things to be guarded by Kari; like a few PS1 games she's interested in trying)


look at you all doing grown-up things while I'm sitting here listening to Sonic music writing a remix of the Megaman Battle Network title theme in FL Studio

NO LIFE AT ALL -shotdead-

Dr. Kraus

Going to Europe for around 2 weeks in either May or June

Then doing one more year at community college

Then moving to Naples, Florida

Then to Tallahassee, Florida

Then finish school at Florida State



So I bought Naruto Series 1:1 on DVD.

I swear to Jesus Christ Almighty, this show better be as fucking bad as all the anime faggots say it is.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 28, 2014, 11:58:40 AM
I know that feel. If it'll make you feel better, I can send you a pic of your several months late birthday gift :3

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 28, 2014, 01:38:08 PM
@bella: I understand that you miss him, but I hope you're not pegging your whole summers' worth of happiness on it. Even if you can't see him, we can still make the best of it, man. You're welcome to come with to the hangout parties me and my friends have. (If you're not doing anything in late april/early may, you could come to the late night beach run. >w> )

I hope I don't end up pegging my whole summers' worth of happiness on it either, I'm just so, so, so frustrated that he's going to be right down the coast from me (relatively speaking) and I still can't see him. I'd have a better chance of getting to see him if he was in California or Alaska or Australia or China, because at least then it would be as simple as finding a way to travel there — and I would find a way to get there. I only get to see him a few days a year, and losing an opportunity to do so isn't just annoying, it's absolutely devastating.

I might have to take you up on some of those trips though. >> And speaking of travel, this is going to sound insane but Kari, is there any way you'd want to go to Canada with me for a few days? I'm seriously thinking of heading up to Montreal on vacation, but honestly solo travel is terribly boring and I'd much rather go with a friend, particularly one who's experienced with Canada. I haven't worked out the exact logistics but it would probably only be a 2-3 day trip, by bus (silly Amtrak doesn't have a Boston or Vermont-to-Montreal train, because of course they don't).


You know what, I would be down for that. But I think taking a car is a wiser idea. Also I'll need to get my passport renewed.

We're going to the beach likely around the first few days of may, if you want to come too. :3

@leaf: I'ma join you in the no-life brigade
Cause I look at all my friends with jobs and internships and apartments and about to graduate and shit
And I just get so depressed and cling to my no-life friends
(C'mon we can join the SOS brigade~)

@pent: gotta make the distinction between Rosé City Comic Con and TYLER Rose City Comic Con since the former's in Oregon :3

Went to an anime event at the Pelham library today, really glad I did. Picked up another volunteering gig and had quite a bit of fun. Saw some friends, too. ^^
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 29, 2014, 01:36:33 PM
@leaf: I'ma join you in the no-life brigade
OK (;^^)


@Kari: Nice ^^
Also, noted -w-;

@Bella: Wish I could go to Canada, but after my Tyler vacation in a few weeks, I'm going to focus on getting to AB2015 -w-

@Leaf: I know that feel. My older cousin, one of the only relatives on mom's side of the family I have anything to do with, is studying rocket science...and then there's me; I work at Pizza Hut :\

So, spent the morning hanging out with my sister; since she wanted to look around some of the clothing stores to maybe find stuff for her costume, and I was bored. Ended up finding an Apple Bluetooth keyboard for $5 at a garage sale (It's a little dirty, but appears to be in working condition. Now I have a good wireless keyboard to go with Fuuka's trackpad :3).


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Daylight saving time in the UK.

Went from 01:00 to 02:00 straight.


wow, daylight savings is that late there?
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