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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I've been role playing lately, it's a lot of fun if not mentally draining.
The characters I've played range from "okay" to *facepalm*
New characters
Dren Vermre and Geron Sheal.
Existing characters I've played.
Slenderman, Alucard, and a generic flame user.
Simon was here :P


my sis mentioned the other day that she and her friends sometimes go to a certain server on wow to riff on the horrible roleplays there. i'm thinking of making an account to join them in heckling the girl who claimed to be "half succubus, half dragon, half elf" (nevermind that you CAN'T be a succubus or dragon in wow, it's impossible to be "half" succubus anyway, and the fact that her character was human). -w-;;;
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@Kari: Sounds fun -w-
Also, reminds me of some videos Stew sent me years back; of someone trolling people on a voicechat server using voice clips of Duke Nukem, Captain Picard, and a stereotypical jillbilly talking about "jigglin'"


are your jimmies rustled, bro

are they -w-
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That stands to be figured.

It isn't in any game.
It's simply face book role playing.
Some of them are really kinky, which is fun for me.
Simon was here :P


Hey, guys?

What is the possibility of a mobile version of the gallery? Or is it already there and I'm just a dumb shet?


@simon: lol, as long as you're enjoying it.
@leaf: why do you want a mobile version? >>;

even then, the gallery is so huge i doubt a mobile version would be feasable. if you want to explore the matter further, however, i'd post in the suggestion forums about it. :\
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I slept well last night. New pillow is good -w-


@Choco: Well, why not?

Also thanks. Will d0.

Dr. Kraus

@Leaflame: To have a mobile gallery we would have to rebuild it all from scratch, add auto-sizing for the many different screen sizes for mobile devices, and a ton of other variables would have to be taken into effect to create the mobile gallery.

The biggest factor would be time needed to do such a project which could take upwards of a year just to make it for mobile devices, the amount of people who would be using the mobile gallery is probably really low as well due to most people here are posting on computers.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have a mobile version of the gallery, just that it doesn't seem reasonable to make one at the current moment.

If the time does come for us to build one though, I'm willing to help in the process of making one.


tbh i don't see much of a point. 99.9% of our users have access to a normal computer and those that don't don't really upload to the gallery much anyway. i speak from experience when i say some of those pictures are HUGE, too big to view effectively on a mobile device. if you can't view all, what's the point in viewing any?
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Well, I understand... guess I will make do with the desktop version. But it's out there.

In other news, fakku Google Plus.


if you're talking about the porn site, stop it, you're not old enough for porn sites.

if you're saying fuck google plus, well, my sentiments exactly. fuck google in general, actually, i liked it better when it was just a search engine. >>;
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Indeed. G+ is really pointless; they're so desperate to shove their "Facebook killer" down the throats of anyone who has so much as a YouTube or GMail account, and yet, nobody uses it :\

At least they still have a good search engine; better than Bing or Yahoo


i use google for my searching. i don't consider Youtube to be a google item despite them owning it, so as far as i'm concerned i only use google for their search.
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