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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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there, there.... *pat pat*

i cleaned. for 10 hours. you can see the floor! *passes out*
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Simon was here :P


@Simon: Cool *w*

@Kari: Thanks. Also, sounds nice on the cleaning :3


mmm, i have to finish it tonight but otherwise it's something to be proud of. -w-

also going to attempt the big move. that's gonna be interesting. .__.;

@simon: is there a way to fight each other, or are the battles with random people?
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It is my last week at school. Yaaay~
I do actually enjoy school though...


@Kari: Big move?

@Leaf: Sounds nice :3

So, I heard from my sister that the shift manager from last night might be getting fired over what happened yesterday. I honestly hope so; I lost any sort of respect I had for him last night, as I honestly found myself honestly wishing I was working for my former boss at the hospital again, since at least it's a bigger building, giving me more places to hide.


@Kari: Where're you going?

@Pent: Holy crap, I hope your manager gets canned! That was a real dick move on her part. >:[

@Kari and Pent: So glad I'm not the only one with cool distant relatives I wish I could keep better contact with! Most of my near-ish relatives are, well, not my taste in people, but from what I've seen some of my great-aunts and uncles and second-cousins are cool people. I have one second-cousin-once-removed who's basically my doppleganger even (weird, an artist and photographer, enjoys cities, we even have a shared tendency toward bizarre giggling-fits), but idk, it just feels hard to stay in contact with somebody so outside my social circle. I mean I spent way more time with my cousin Katherine growing up and we mostly only talk through tumblr (and skype on occasion).

@Leaf: Congrats!

@All: It seems I simultaneously injured my shoulder and knee. And I have a bellyache. And headache. I should retrieve my glasses from the car but I can't really walk atm. ><


@bells: i really want to make an effort to stay in touch with this girl, since i was in her shoes once. and besides my sister, she and i are the only ones in the family who like anime. :\

@pent, bells: i'm hoping to move all my music onto my computer. there's 160 gigs. this is gonna be interesting. >>;
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Good luck, dood

@Bella: That sucks. Hope you feel better soon :[
Also, I hope they scrap both the store manager and that one shift manager; as I'm fed up with both of them :\

Which, work tonight actually went fairly well. I have myself a personal-size pizza waiting out in the van; which I'll save for lunch tomorrow :3


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Dr. Kraus

yay, got my room assignment and the name of who my roommate will be yesterday! I got the first floor which they just finished renovating and I won't have to lug any stuff up to the second or third floor. 


friends coming into your room through the window?
friends coming into your room through the window.
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Well duh.  Especially when they lock the doors for the night.

Went home for the first time in three months.  That was a good feel.


Nice ^^

So, I have the radiator fan on the Spirit working again. Now, I just need those tires put on it next week...


Aw shit, thunderstorm's here.