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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Good for her; nice to know that there's more people in this state who aren't idiots :\


even more reason to avoid texas! yay! (go davis, i'd like to brofist you)

@bells: there was an episode of icarly a couple years ago where carly's older brother spencer downloads an app for his pearphone (yay knockoffs!) that was set to go off at random. the idea was that you would do about 30 seconds of some excercise (jumping jacks, windmills, lunges) while some upbeat music played, and by the end of the day you'd have 20-30 minutes of excercise under your belt. surprisingly, no such app exists.

basically, take that, and make it customiziable by giving people the option to use their own music (ipods/iphones can sample random bits of songs, as evidenced by the music quiz game on older ipods), or one of the various pre-programmed music packs (i'd sample songs from ddr, random pop songs from a few years ago, and even ragtime for a special pack), have a "night mode" function where you can set blocks of time where you can't have it go off (work, school, sleeping), and maybe a way to set peak hours for the app to go off (such as having it get you off the couch during prime time tv). i wouldn't want any of the excercises to involve equipment, since these were meant to be done on the fly.

if this app existed, i'd pay for it, even if it cost me like, 10 bucks. i need a push to do things over the course of the day, and if i set the reminders myself on my calendar i'd fall into a routine, which is quickly forgotten. >>;

@kraus: OH SNAP

do you have a website for that store? i think i'd like to do some shopping. :0

today marks the first day of my diet. the little calorie tracker app i have has put me on a limit of 1200/day, and i found out that a real achilles' heel for me was breakfast. here i thought i was being healthy by getting a balanced breakfast in, and it turns out that it was way far off. did you know that there are 290 calories in a bagel with cream cheese? ><;

i'm turning into one of those people that counts calories and i hate myself for it. but hey, i have kind of a hefty goal of weight loss, so i guess it's gotta be done. >>;
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Bagels are huuuuge.  I need a lot of calories for work most days, what with all the walking and being outdoors.  Plus I'm awake a lot longer then most people are, so just general processes burn through the day.

Holy crap it's almost July and then Bells will be here and I'll have to try to be enthusiastic about that for a week :I


@Kari: Good luck

@Stew: Hope you have fun. My vacation is in 2 weeks :3

Dr. Kraus


Most light novels are set at a fair price with the shipping being fair.


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So, I'm in a shit mood now, thanks to even more instances of people hiding information from me that ultimately screws me over. This might end up killing my trip, as I'll be too broke to do anything and I can't reschedule or cancel or anything >_<;;

Basically, when I was told by the insurance that it'd only be $120 a month to add that car, they lied; this bill is $200, due the day before I go on my vacation, and I have no clue how to pay it without leaving myself with barely any money to get up there, let alone do anything. The fact that I haven't been able to pay on that doctor's bill in over a week isn't helping matters in the least, plus the fact there's still more work that has to be done to that car because, again, people hiding information from me (In this case, dad; whom neglected to tell me that I don't have to have the car insured to put it in my name, as long as I have car insurance at all for any vehicle, as well as the fact that the fan is dead and he somehow didn't think to test it beforehand). I might just cash one of my other savings bonds, so I don't get fucked over as hard and can maybe still have some money to do stuff during my trip; even if I have to scrap a lot of places I intended to go to.

Stacked with having to go into work an hour early and stay an hour late today because weekend scheduling is terrible, I'm obviously not in a good mood today


@Kraus: Chen is in full FUCKDAPOLICE mode there, isn't she? -w-

Congrats on picking up the book for a good price! International shipping is a bastard, it's good you could find a seller stateside.

@Kari: That's a really good idea for an app, I wish I had the programming chops to make such a thing happen (or help make it happen).

Unless you count cutting out sweets from my diet, I've never dieted before so I can't offer any personal tips. Though I have heard that it's a good idea not to be TOO strict about portion sizes or stave yourself / skip meals, because then your metabolism doesn't work as well and you wind up even hungrier.

Quote from: stewartsage on June 27, 2013, 11:33:01 AMHoly crap it's almost July and then Bells will be here and I'll have to try to be enthusiastic about that for a week :I

And I have to try to be enthusiastic about a 19 hour train ride to the middle of Yokeltopia, USA, so we're even!

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 27, 2013, 11:57:04 AM@stew: lacking in
overall enthusiasm, eh?

I think the only conceivable way he could be less enthused about an attractive, energetic, love-starved young woman visiting is if he was like, a gay robot. :P



got side tracked with a lot of different things lately:

One, the canceled IT class so that fucks me over a little bit.
Two, made a new tumblr so I've been trying to add things to it more often than not.
Three, I'm trying to get out more.

I'll be poking my head in every once in a while. But for the most part you wont see me that often.

If you want to chat go to:
my email:
or my Xat:
or even at my tumblr:
sorry if I caused any trouble.
Simon was here :P

Dr. Kraus

@bella: The only problem now is that its out of stock in their state side stores to I have to wait for it to mailed direct from Japan. Not that bad because they arn't charging me any higher for shipping but it probably won't get here for another week -.-


@Simon: You're leaving? :[


@kraus: that's a small price to pay in my book, man. :\
@pent: no, where did you see that? he has a new tumblr and had to switch foci in jobcorps is all. :\
@simon: followin' you now on tumblr~
@bella, stew: did anyone get the flappy reference
@bella: the calorie tracker app i have is pretty damn useful, so so far it's going alright. i'm wondering how i can sneak more excercise into my routine atm. ^^;
maybe at some point i'll find someone that can help me with the app. :3
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I was tired when I read that, so I likely misunderstood it :\


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