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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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It wasn't the PIRA, they haven't been active for a decade and they would never bomb their American bastion. 

It's not a major player on the international terrorism scene; the media's said it a bunch but I'll add a semi-pro assessment that the whole thing is rather amateurish in execution.  With still no claim of responsibility, in this day of modern instant communications, I still can't shake the feeling this was an attack on a particular person....


I always wake up hungry as all get out and then can't eat lunch until 1 o'clock.  Class, gym, lunch.  It's like the Jersey Shore over here.


Here's something interesting- I have been able to wake up my family with many different sound effects.  One mourning, used the Demoman's "Ka-BOOOOM!!!" Sound to get everyone up.

I hope your ready!


Something should be done with the +18 stuff in the gallery, pretty much anyone can see it under the top part.
Simon was here :P


if you're under 18 or not logged in none of the 18+ stuff is visible.

@stew: well, i heard that last part of the race stands was dedicated to the Sandy Hook tragedy, so a bunch of families from Newtown were there. you don't think this was targeting them, do you? ;^;
(tbh though i don't agree with the "this was targeting one person" idea. if you target one person, you shoot them. you don't detonate bombs all over a public event. )

also, jersey shore? so YOUR relatives are getting tanned to coffee colour and oiling themselves up, too? :0
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Okay then, never mind.
Simon was here :P


yeah, they already took care of that. -w-
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I just heard about the Boston marathon explosion on the news...
Anybody here who lives in Boston and was at the marathon (prably unlikely?), my sympathies ;0-0;

A London marathon is supposed to happen in 6 days, and naturally everyone shat brix when they heard about this event, so they are upping the security.


@Spence: Everything is set up for this weekend I've got the personal and the weekend pass set up and WHY THE F&*K IS MY COMPUTER CONSTANTLY RESTARTING ON ME!!

It can't be that it's over heating...
Simon was here :P


Quote from: Simonorged on April 16, 2013, 10:41:47 AM
@Spence: Everything is set up for this weekend I've got the personal and the weekend pass set up and WHY THE F&*K IS MY COMPUTER CONSTANTLY RESTARTING ON ME!!

It can't be that it's over heating...
Good to know, amigo.  As for compiter restarting- heck if I know.

I hope your ready!


Overheating is about the only possibility I can think of :\

So, I have a savings account opened now. Now, to start adding money to it :3


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 16, 2013, 09:37:42 AM
if you're under 18 or not logged in none of the 18+ stuff is visible.

If I remember correctly, that used to be the case two years ago, but due to the difficulties in rights management we scrapped the limited visibility of the 18+ stuff altogether. One still needs to be signed in, but there's no further check than that. It's too much bother to implement/maintain, so we just trust the users instead. One can anyway always lie in the age field. :p


Quote from: Simonorged on April 16, 2013, 10:41:47 AM
@Spence: Everything is set up for this weekend I've got the personal and the weekend pass set up and WHY THE F&*K IS MY COMPUTER CONSTANTLY RESTARTING ON ME!!

It can't be that it's over heating...
CPU overheating is usually the cause of random reboot issues. Open up the case and clean the fan/dust out the case, and consider buying a new fan and/or managing your more intensive applications more carefully.

If it's a laptop, then it's even more likely to be just that, but a lot harder to deal with. Get a cooling pad and clear the vents, but that's about as much you can do.


Quote from: NejinOniwa on April 16, 2013, 07:07:12 AM
>it has been proven
No, religion has still not proven anything at all.

well Nej... I was being religuios, not trying to start a debate... But then again...


Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 16, 2013, 10:23:31 AM
I just heard about the Boston marathon explosion on the news...
Anybody here who lives in Boston and was at the marathon (prably unlikely?), my sympathies ;0-0;

A London marathon is supposed to happen in 6 days, and naturally everyone shat brix when they heard about this event, so they are upping the security.

good luck bro. but last i heard they didn't suspect international terror, calling this the work of an ameture. so this time it was likely home grown.

Quote from: Pitkin on April 16, 2013, 02:36:44 PM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 16, 2013, 09:37:42 AM
if you're under 18 or not logged in none of the 18+ stuff is visible.

If I remember correctly, that used to be the case two years ago, but due to the difficulties in rights management we scrapped the limited visibility of the 18+ stuff altogether. One still needs to be signed in, but there's no further check than that. It's too much bother to implement/maintain, so we just trust the users instead. One can anyway always lie in the age field. :p

i lol'd.
click to make it bigger


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 16, 2013, 06:59:12 PM
Quote from: LeaflameSD on April 16, 2013, 10:23:31 AM
I just heard about the Boston marathon explosion on the news...
Anybody here who lives in Boston and was at the marathon (prably unlikely?), my sympathies ;0-0;

A London marathon is supposed to happen in 6 days, and naturally everyone shat brix when they heard about this event, so they are upping the security.

good luck bro. but last i heard they didn't suspect international terror, calling this the work of an ameture. so this time it was likely home grown.

it seems more domestic terror that foreign...