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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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when the don't clash, they're friends. or something else. something that should be saved for the relationships thread.

i wouldn't marry you either. but not for any malicious reasons. i just hate coming between people. ^^; (i've been the "other woman" before and didn't know it. when i found out it wasn't pretty. >>; )

as for getting along, i'm trying to, i really am. i don't want to fight with anyone. ;^;
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The only good kind of fighting is in games like Street Fighter II, MUGEN, or Super Smash Bros. -w-


makes me wish i could get the latest edition of nijikaku to work. ><;;
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OK, Let us start the end of Times, OK?

Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 22, 2013, 08:30:56 AM
It was due to the argument between Kari and Dustii, then Kari and Alfonso, in the anime topic last weekend

It wasn't an argument in my case, was an horrible misunderstanding...

Quote from: Pitkin on January 22, 2013, 09:44:17 AM
Ragebreak always comes when the circumstances around allow it. It's a very delicate process.

Usually involving people acting like jerks/morons, ne?

Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 22, 2013, 11:52:10 AM
It wasn't dangerously bad, it's just now I feel like I'm on a drug tripp or something... muscles kinda ache and jargon. Well I guess I better go somewhere else before I start something.

If it's your first All-nighter then It gets easier to deal with 'em

Quote from: Bella on January 22, 2013, 01:43:51 PM
Can't we all just get along? ;_________;

Getting along is usually boring...

Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 22, 2013, 03:43:45 PM
The only good kind of fighting is in games like Street Fighter II, MUGEN, or Super Smash Bros. -w-

I will say this only once... Super Smash Bros is not a Fighting game, at least not in the spirit of SF and the rest of the 2D/3D fighters, it's more an hybrid of plataformer and button masher

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 22, 2013, 04:00:21 PM
makes me wish i could get the latest edition of nijikaku to work. ><;;

I downloaded it... Will try it laterzzz...


I've always considered it a fighting game, as that's what it's always labeled as everywhere. An unconventional one, yes, but a fighting game nontheless


This isn't aimed at anyone or anything in particular, but since we're talking about fighting, I suppose I should throw my two cents into the discussion...

I don't like fighting either. In spite of my past arguments on OSC, I've decided I ESPECIALLY don't like to fight here - since it's such a small and relatively fragile community, we should be more focused on what we have in common than what differences we have. As well, I'd like to think that clashing personalities doesn't necessarily guarantee fighting between two people - no person on earth gets along 100% well with their friends / acquaintances / comrades-in-arms and frankly I don't believe anyone should feel like they HAVE to get along perfectly with those people. As I said before, it's about finding common ground and not becoming obsessed with differences. 

Not to reopen old wounds, but this makes me think of the conflict I had with Kriz - he seems like a nice guy (well, aside from the name-calling, but that's a story for a different time) but I imagine it would be extremely difficult for me to carry on a healthy friendship with a person who believes friends cannot and should not fight. I've fought with friends for as long as I've had friends and have never thought of disagreements as a legitimate reason to end a friendship. -__-;;;


True that, Bella. I mean, I've butted heads with some of you in the past, but we always manage to put aside the problems and carry on a casual conversation on food \ rabbits \ our stories \ etc. like nothing ever happened :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 22, 2013, 04:08:04 PM
I've always considered it a fighting game, as that's what it's always labeled as everywhere. An unconventional one, yes, but a fighting game nontheless

if you say so...

Quote from: Bella on January 22, 2013, 04:16:24 PM
This isn't aimed at anyone or anything in particular, but since we're talking about fighting, I suppose I should throw my two cents into the discussion...

I don't like fighting either. In spite of my past arguments on OSC, I've decided I ESPECIALLY don't like to fight here - since it's such a small and relatively fragile community, we should be more focused on what we have in common than what differences we have. As well, I'd like to think that clashing personalities doesn't necessarily guarantee fighting between two people - no person on earth gets along 100% well with their friends / acquaintances / comrades-in-arms and frankly I don't believe anyone should feel like they HAVE to get along perfectly with those people. As I said before, it's about finding common ground and not becoming obsessed with differences. 

Not to reopen old wounds, but this makes me think of the conflict I had with Kriz - he seems like a nice guy (well, aside from the name-calling, but that's a story for a different time) but I imagine it would be extremely difficult for me to carry on a healthy friendship with a person who believes friends cannot and should not fight. I've fought with friends for as long as I've had friends and have never thought of disagreements as a legitimate reason to end a friendship. -__-;;;

that's why I told you so, getting along gets bohring---


Great last sentence of your post, Bella. It's very unhealthy to consider friendship or a relationship something where disagreements/outright fights never occur.

For those who disagree, I suggest we'll fight it out.


Quote from: Pitkin on January 22, 2013, 04:22:39 PM
For those who disagree, I suggest we'll fight it out.

Why waste energy...?


@Pit: I got a good laugh from that last line of your post xD

Well, time for me to slip away to work. I suppose if there's one positive about working so little, is that I'm starting to enjoy pizza again -w-


Go all out, get all the fighting out of your system. Then let it all go after. Laugh about what the strangeness of an all-out fight really entails. Make sure to give popcorn to the bystanders.

No friendship is without disagreements. If there aren't any disagreements in a good friendship, then either one or both parties are not being honest (by lying or by omission) to each other or to themselves. Either that, or you're merely acquaintances at best.

So far, I've remained neutral in the arguments here, but I'd like to stay neutral in any case. :3


wouldn't it be nice if we could have a topic just for that? just yell out everything that frustrates us about each other. if we had a safe environment to argue, i get the feeling we'd all breathe a little easier since it means that we wouldn't be arguing elsewhere and we wouldn't risk being banned/sanctioned just because we got mad.
anger is a natural human emotion. too much anger is unhealthy, but so is too much sadness (and maybe too much joy). to treat it as taboo is to cut off an essential part of human nature.

@bella: kriz was a whacko. not to sound cold, but good riddance. his views on microsoft and open-source software (and his views on basically everything else, from the mechanics of friendship to certain aspects of OS-tans) made me and plenty of others here quite upset, and he expressed no remorse at his actions or his treating of opinion as fact. there's no changing some people, and to have such a rigid individual at such a small, open community is a major shitstain on this nice pair of shimapan we call a site.

@pit: i lol'd. one thing i've always liked about you is that you're witty. even if it pisses me off when it's directed at me, your quips are superb. ^^

@sleepy: tbh i've seen you as the neutral party so long it's hard to see you picking a side in ANYTHING. the eternal switzerland. Roger Smith, negotiator.

@alphonso: good luck, it's supremely tricky to figure out. if you do manage to get it working let me know how, i had a bitch of a time before i gave up.

since we're on the topic of taboo topics, here's one that i've been wanting to discuss for awhile. religion.
now, i'm not suggesting we get into a pissing match of "MY RELIGION IS BETTER THAN YOURS" or "YOU FUCKING HERATIC I WISH YOU BURNED AT THE STAKE" or anything like that, i more mean an open discussion of what religion we are and what that entails. feel free not to answer if you don't want to.

i'm a pagan. any questions?
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 22, 2013, 07:43:05 PM
wouldn't it be nice if we could have a topic just for that? just yell out everything that frustrates us about each other. if we had a safe environment to argue, i get the feeling we'd all breathe a little easier since it means that we wouldn't be arguing elsewhere and we wouldn't risk being banned/sanctioned just because we got mad.
anger is a natural human emotion. too much anger is unhealthy, but so is too much sadness (and maybe too much joy). to treat it as taboo is to cut off an essential part of human nature.

@bella: kriz was a whacko. not to sound cold, but good riddance. his views on microsoft and open-source software (and his views on basically everything else, from the mechanics of friendship to certain aspects of OS-tans) made me and plenty of others here quite upset, and he expressed no remorse at his actions or his treating of opinion as fact. there's no changing some people, and to have such a rigid individual at such a small, open community is a major shitstain on this nice pair of shimapan we call a site.

@pit: i lol'd. one thing i've always liked about you is that you're witty. even if it pisses me off when it's directed at me, your quips are superb. ^^

@sleepy: tbh i've seen you as the neutral party so long it's hard to see you picking a side in ANYTHING. the eternal switzerland. Roger Smith, negotiator.

@alphonso: good luck, it's supremely tricky to figure out. if you do manage to get it working let me know how, i had a bitch of a time before i gave up.

since we're on the topic of taboo topics, here's one that i've been wanting to discuss for awhile. religion.
now, i'm not suggesting we get into a pissing match of "MY RELIGION IS BETTER THAN YOURS" or "YOU FUCKING HERATIC I WISH YOU BURNED AT THE STAKE" or anything like that, i more mean an open discussion of what religion we are and what that entails. feel free not to answer if you don't want to.

i'm a pagan. any questions?
Yes. What pagan religion do you subscribe to? Alt: which deities from which religions do you subscribe to?

On-topic: I'm pretty much agnostic. I charge forth to my destiny (which I don't really believe in but it's a convenient word to use in this case) through the power of my own will and judgement.


I don't really claim a religion at the moment, although I've sometimes jokingly listed things like "Haruhist" or "Trekkie" as mine. I used to be a Christian (If you want to get precise on what sect, I was Southern Baptist), but I found I disagreed with some of the things that others of the same denomination strongly believed, which often lead to me feeling out of place.

If anybody wants to know more, feel free to ask