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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So, I finally figured out what to get for mom. I'm going to get a new hard drive for her laptop, to get it fixed up :3

Seems like a good plan that would be cheaper than the previous ides, but still nice


i get the feeling she'll appreciate that more anyway. :3
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Indeed :3

Once I get a drive for her laptop, my Christmas shopping is finished. Although, I might get a new speaker grille for Asagi...



what is everyone up to lately? i've been downloading christmas music at an alarming rate. -w-
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I've been writing several texts lately and found Colonization to play. While I have a big issue with colonising generally, I find the game and its music just charming. :)

Still unemployed, so quite a lot of time to do those above.


music really can make or break a game. there's a reason they've done orchestral performances of the soundtracks to Final Fantasy 7 and The Legend of Zelda.

what sort of things are you writing? stories or something more businessey?
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A game with poor music is very unprobable to appeal, yes. Better even to leave the thing completely mute and have the player play their own tunes than to force something of poor form on them. *nod*

I've been trying to write something more or less informative on Tuesdays, often in the field of cultural geography or countries' flags, and on Thursdays I've scribbled some loose, short bits of text, typically non-serious and often outright ludicrous. Been so long without writing before this autumn that I'd like to stick to the schedule and the variance for as long as possible, to re-establish a routine of sorts. Would like to write a coherent story too, but knowing my "love" of planning beforehand, I wouldn't bet on anything without lots of pedantry and conflicts. ^^;


@Pit: I've followed your blog. It's nice ^^
@Kari: If you need help, let me know; dad has some Bob Rivers CDs that I could copy for you

As for me, I'm enjoying a day off work. Picked up a pony to include with my sister's gift, as a joke (She'll open the box, and find Pinkie Pie staring at her...and then find her actual gift underneath xD), as well as a bottle of sparkling grape juice for me (I love this stuff).


@Kari: I haven't really been up to.... anything. I was going to drive to my PO box to pick up my parcel yesterday, but dad borrowed the car and I couldn't get over there in time. ~.~ Also, the gift leads I'd been tracking down have flopped, even though I contacted the sellers they never got back to me. >:z

@Pitkin: What's Colonization about?

I feel your pain in regards to having trouble writing a long story. :s At any rate, it's good that you're getting back to writing and trying to establish some sort of routine. Will you be posting your writings on your blog, or are they personal? :)


Colonization is a game from mid-1990s and about, well, colonising the Americas. One basically arrives on a boat from England, Spain, France or the Netherlands, sets up settlements, develops them while pandering to the royals of Europe and suffering their mind fluctuations, all the while practically ruining the lives of the natives who were there first. The ultimate goal is to develop a sense of nation in the settlements, to declare independence and to defeat the royal expeditionary force sent to punish the separatists.

I always try to be nice with the natives, but at the end it's just a game. Makes me feel bad anyway, though the nice midi music and colourful graphics are a great salvation. ^^;

As for the writings, I've been publishing them in my blog, but right now the site is down as - surprise! - we're doing a server move at that end. xP


Just play EU3, dagnabbit. :)


@bella: i'll get going on my christmas shopping/shipping if you do. >w>;
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@Bella: I'm sure you'll find good gifts for everyone, even if they end up being late. Remember; the best gifts are always the ones that show up late ^^

So, tomorrow I get my first paycheck. I'll likely order a drive for mom's laptop soon


hope it goes well, man~

goddammit, you'd think that there'd be more christmasy wallpapers of a series like Black Butler. so far i can only find a good stock of Vocaloid, OS-tan, and One Piece ones. >:\
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Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 09, 2012, 05:20:36 PM
Just play EU3, dagnabbit. :)

EU3 sure is nice, but I haven't played it for a while now. Since - purely coincidentally - I have the game lying around on the living room table, I might give it a go. Maybe as Swedes. x)