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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@cockle: eeww, we get them here too! only ours have already died off for the season (sugar ants too). have you spread any type of poison out? (you can't in your bedroom, obviously, but you get my point.)
good to hear you're back again, though. :3 (also, i'm seriously tempted to call that number. :0 )

@pitkin: it's like i tell anyone who complains about obama: he had 8 years of bush to clean up. :\
i really wish the leaders in this country could work together. like, we elect presidents for the next 10-20 years now, and they can all come up with plans for the country, so that when one leader leaves office, the next one picks up where the other one left off. :\

@kriz: oh god, i'm so sorry to hear that. an aunt of mine battled cancer 3 times before it finally got her, so i know how tough it can be, but it must be worse for you since it's your mother. hopefully she's having as easy a time of it as possible. :[

(i hope people saw that video i posted here last night. it's so cute, and i know how to use tau (τ) now. :3)

PS: i'm gonna use this font for awhile. i liek it. -w-
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And I'm going to unbag one of my OOOOLD trusted servants: CEPHEI. The tiny, tiny, tiny MP3 that runs off AAA batteries and has served me multiple ski marathons and lots of regular time before i got my phone...

Because let's face it, recharging stations are scarce in the total wilderness of Sarek. So I'm just packing a pack of batteries and going with that!

Now to fill her up with music again since my mom borrowed her a while ago, clearing everything out...



Hope your trip goes well ^_^


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 29, 2012, 11:01:35 AM

PS: i'm gonna use this font for awhile. i liek it. -w-

functional and truly outrageous.

She's fine, though I wish everyone with it had been fine since my idol died of it before we could make this trip across the country; so I'll never meet him. My favorite author died of it too.

Our trip is going to be soon though, plus we might even stop and see Pentium on the way back from seeing how baby Apples are born.
Talked them into taking my car, the luxury SUV instead of their Convertible.


@Kriz: Sounds good. Let me know when you're heading my way, so I'll know to have money ready to buy that Magic Trackpad off of you


@kriz: i'll make an effort to use it, then! >:3
also, luxury  suv. i don't know why, but that's funny to me. an OSCer in an escalade. xD

@nej: this proves my thoughts about keeping around "oldie-but-goodie" technology. -w-
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The font is truly outrageous </jem>


truely, truely, truely outrageous?

you know what'd be really outrageous? if people could do this, too. mix it up. :3
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Did someone say truly, truly, truly outrageous?


that was the sound of that going over my head. again.

so guys. i stumbled over a buttload of OS-tan doujins. like, probably over 100. but none of it seems to be translated. what do, guys? i'm thinking about hiring someone on gaiaonline, but since most of it is 18+ i doubt that'd be allowed. maybe i should make an account on fetlife and ask there? but on gaia i could arrange trades....

EDIT: so i managed to catch my sister before she went to sleep. she said she knows a guy who's fluent in japanese and might be able to help, provided she can catch him when he's online. dunno what he'd want for trade, but at least we have a promising lead. :3
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Raffaele the Amigan

Quote from: Krizonar on June 28, 2012, 11:28:23 PM
Not just the poor, it helps us too, my mom has cancer

Are you kidding or is it real?

What kind of cancer? I hope it is of one type you can cure and/or it was got in time.
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


Quote from: Raffaele the Amigan on June 30, 2012, 04:47:03 AM
Quote from: Krizonar on June 28, 2012, 11:28:23 PM
Not just the poor, it helps us too, my mom has cancer

Are you kidding or is it real?

What kind of cancer? I hope it is of one type you can cure and/or it was got in time.
Why would I joke about my mom having breast cancer for the past year? She's fine now though, her last treatment was a month ago.


yay. :3

and not to say that cancer at all is good, but breast cancer seems like one of the preferred cancers in my opinion, if only because if absolutely nessecary you can remove the affected part (which you couldn't do with lungs, liver, etc). my friend's grandma found out she had it when she was about 75 or so, and she just said to herself, "i don't need these anymore, what the hell." and cut them both off. and we were all like, "go granny.... o__o"
tbh, though, out of the various cancers skin seems like the easiest to deal with. but cancer itself is a bitch. my aunt had skin cancer, then breast cancer, then bone cancer of the spine, which finally got her. :[

here's something happier for you: today was the last day of strawberry picking, and since we hadn't gone yet this year, and it's so late, we weren't expecting much. but we walked away with 16 pounds of plump, ripe strawberries in under an hour. -w-

(also, on the way back i took a cue from pent and insisted on going to a yard sale. good thing, too, since i got a convertible for $2.
my dolls look great in it. >w< )
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Suddenly this thread has gotten all serious and depressing. .___.

@Kari: Thanks for sharing that Tau Day video~ ^^


i thought you might like it. hope that and the story about the strawberries and the convertible lighten the mood. :\

there's also the news i posted earlier but no one seems to have noticed. :\
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