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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i hAvE nO iDeA wHaT aNy oF tHaT mEaNs. bUt i hOpE iT wOrKs oUt.

aLsO, i wAs gOiNg tO sToP tHiS mAnNeR oF sPeEcH, bUt aFtEr yOuR lItTlE cOmMeNt iN rPt, i tHiNk i'Ll cOnTiNuE. oUt oF sPiTe.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 23, 2012, 12:38:30 AM
i hAvE nO iDeA wHaT aNy oF tHaT mEaNs. bUt i hOpE iT wOrKs oUt.

aLsO, i wAs gOiNg tO sToP tHiS mAnNeR oF sPeEcH, bUt aFtEr yOuR lItTlE cOmMeNt iN rPt, i tHiNk i'Ll cOnTiNuE. oUt oF sPiTe.

Honestly, it is not that funny and makes it hard to read. From an important member like you, it's kind of a disappointment.


Imma have to side with Kari here, 1) Because she's entitled to talk however she wants as long as it doesn't break any forum rules, and 2) It's hilarious to see so many people get their pantaloons in a bunch over it (sorry, my troll instincts are taking over). ^^;


I am sorry, but I cannot agree with you in this case. While writing like that doesn't directly break the forum rules, but it is still disruptive in a way, which makes it harder to enjoy the forum. And being hilarious at the cost of the enjoyment of others isn't exactly the best idea in my opinion.


Quote from: Bella on June 23, 2012, 10:38:18 AM
Imma have to side with Kari here, 1) Because she's entitled to talk however she wants as long as it doesn't break any forum rules, and 2) It's hilarious to see so many people get their pantaloons in a bunch over it (sorry, my troll instincts are taking over). ^^;
Crimethinker doubleplusbad.


Quote from: Krizonar on June 23, 2012, 12:17:43 PM
Quote from: Bella on June 23, 2012, 10:38:18 AM
Imma have to side with Kari here, 1) Because she's entitled to talk however she wants as long as it doesn't break any forum rules, and 2) It's hilarious to see so many people get their pantaloons in a bunch over it (sorry, my troll instincts are taking over). ^^;
Crimethinker doubleplusungood.

Fix'd. ^^


Quote from: Pitkin on June 23, 2012, 12:53:23 PM
Quote from: Krizonar on June 23, 2012, 12:17:43 PM
Quote from: Bella on June 23, 2012, 10:38:18 AM
Imma have to side with Kari here, 1) Because she's entitled to talk however she wants as long as it doesn't break any forum rules, and 2) It's hilarious to see so many people get their pantaloons in a bunch over it (sorry, my troll instincts are taking over). ^^;
Crimethinker doubleplusungood.

Fix'd. ^^
blackwhite is strong...


So, Nimue has landed. She's the biggest laptop I've owned this far; making Asagi look tiny @__@



I am writing to you from Minnesota.

This is not a greeting.

This is a warning from my species.

We have already overtaken the body of the individual you call svx.

We have only one statement to make, and we advise that you listen well:

We are the largest legion.  We will devour you.  We have no mercy for you, and we do hate you.  We feed on your frustration.  We will reclaim our planet soon.  Don't stand in our way.

We are above you.  And on you.

the mosquitoes of Minnesota


Quote from: Exa on June 23, 2012, 09:28:24 AM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 23, 2012, 12:38:30 AM
i hAvE nO iDeA wHaT aNy oF tHaT mEaNs. bUt i hOpE iT wOrKs oUt.

aLsO, i wAs gOiNg tO sToP tHiS mAnNeR oF sPeEcH, bUt aFtEr yOuR lItTlE cOmMeNt iN rPt, i tHiNk i'Ll cOnTiNuE. oUt oF sPiTe.

Honestly, it is not that funny and makes it hard to read. From an important member like you, it's kind of a disappointment.

my speech is a DISSAPOINTMENT? because i chose to type fancy for a damn day? let me tell you something, i wasn't AIMING to be FUNNY, i was typing that way because I WANTED TO. and i see nothing wrong with personal mannerisms. would you have the same level of offense IF I SPOKE ALL IN CAPS? WHAT IF WE MADE IT WHITE, TOO. IS THIS BETTER? MAYBE WE COULD ALSO MAKE IT HUGE, HOW ABOUT THIS?

if you can't appriciate me for what i say rather than how i say it, then sir, i'm not sure i want to talk to you. >:[

Quote from: Bella on June 23, 2012, 10:38:18 AM
Imma have to side with Kari here, 1) Because she's entitled to talk however she wants as long as it doesn't break any forum rules, and 2) It's hilarious to see so many people get their pantaloons in a bunch over it (sorry, my troll instincts are taking over). ^^;

it means a lot to me that you'd back my play, since there have been plenty of times when you didn't. text styling is a personal choice, and no one should have any say over it besides me (provided it doesn't break ToS, which if there were text rules, i'd compare them to makeout rules on a college campus--dumb).
thanks bells. ;v;

@pent: hope she's working well. :3
@svx: i killed a mosquito today.....

you know what, i think i'm going to colour my text for awhile. perhaps the revolution should start small.
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I offer to you (free of charge) an excerpt from the svx code of conduct:

...should ever a person directly confront you regarding your code of conduct on teh interwebs, it is imperative that you follow this brief outline.  First and foremost, recall stoutly the several paragraphs englyphed above; in particular, that Thou Art Teh Troll.  Yes, it is true.  Thou art the troll, svx, and thus you must remember AT ALL TIMES to occupy one hand with lulz and another with Righteous Thunder which MUST rain down as coconuts unto those who intend to utter disputes against thine own murmuring, etc, etc...

And from the following paragraph:

...Should your mood fancy being merry, supply a jolly by offering The Lulz.  And should you ever receive disputes or apathy, it is certainly time to Drop the Coconuts as if they were genuine US Army JDAMS...

And from the next paragraph:


And the following paragraph, which truly pieces this all together:

...You are so cool svx and I like you so much I think I wanna have yo babbies???  <3  Regardless of this, the protocol for Deploying the Coconuts is as follows:  begin with a Lulz.  Always begin with a lulz.  And end with a lulz.  Always end with teh lulz.  The coconuts are lulz...


IDK what I was getting at with this
but can't we all


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Quote from: svx on June 23, 2012, 06:33:20 PM

I am writing to you from Minnesota.

This is not a greeting.

This is a warning from my species.

We have already overtaken the body of the individual you call svx.

We have only one statement to make, and we advise that you listen well:

We are the largest legion.  We will devour you.  We have no mercy for you, and we do hate you.  We feed on your frustration.  We will reclaim our planet soon.  Don't stand in our way.

We are above you.  And on you.

the mosquitoes of Minnesota

I knew there was something real sinister-like 'bout Minnesota.

Thanks for confirming!


something sinister besides being filled with seemingly innocent "minnesoooootans"? well, they DO have lutefisk, but that doesn't seem evil per se. :\

tbh, montanta always rubbed me the wrong way, not minnesota. >>;
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i hate people like that, that come from elsewhere and can't stop complaining about here/bragging that elsewhere is better. if you don't like it, go the hell home. >:\
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