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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@bella: as someone who has and lives with people who have depression, i can tell (at least from your online persona) that you don't really exhibit much of the symptoms. :\
as for lack of adventure, THAT WILL BE REMEDIED THIS SUMMER >:3

(provided everyone can cough up for gas and some other stuff.... >>; )
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 25, 2011, 12:43:19 AM
@bella: as someone who has and lives with people who have depression, i can tell (at least from your online persona) that you don't really exhibit much of the symptoms. :\
as for lack of adventure, THAT WILL BE REMEDIED THIS SUMMER >:3

(provided everyone can cough up for gas and some other stuff.... >>; )


jk... but seriously, I'm dead set on that. DEAD. SET. And until that happens, I would probably only cast a shadow on whatever it is that we do, wherever it is that we go, because the entire time I'd be moping. >__>

Besides, my idea of travel-related adventure involves wandering aimlessly, museums, parks, antiquing, hobnobbing with interesting native populations (esp. in Rhode Island and Massachusetts), discovering local folklore and visiting historic sites, all the while taking photos of what and who I find. IOW: boring stuff. But intellectually stimulating. 

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Bella on June 25, 2011, 12:39:31 AM
I just realized why I'm always so sad, I've wondered before if I don't have mild depression but that can't be because I'm not actually hopeless. I think it's because my life lacks adventure........ in the form of travel. Dammit, it sucks to be poor (alternatively: it sucks that it costs so much to travel nowadays).

And I will be absolutely crushed if I can't work out some arrangements with my cousin + his wife to stay at their place/visit DC... why does the one relative who lives in a place i want to visit have to be the one I barely know AND have a nonexistent rapport with AND apparently have no guests rooms at his house AND the misfortune of two live-in college kids?  While i have all sorts of friendly, childless, welcoming-with-open-arms relatives in FABULOUS places like Los Angeles and Phoenix and Detroit and other places I couldn't be paid to visit? :/

Don't worry, work hard and you will get to do all sorts of things! I don't leave Da Burgh that often but when I do, I savor every moment of it like it was going to disappear as soon as I left it! I'm fortunate enough to have been around the world 9 times now and going for a 10th this fall and spent much time overseas (I'm also going to apply to many collages outside the USA hoping to get somewhere new, spending my life in Da Burgh is alright but I'm going to need a break for a couple of years). I'll only get around 10 days to do what I want to but I've planned accordingly and I'm prepared to make memories that will last me a life time! I'm happy enough to see my "True Homeland" Great Brittan for a time along with Belgium, Switzerland, Österreich (Austria), Germany, and The Netherlands! After that, I will be satisfied for adventure and concentrate on my studies until I can return to that land, hopefully my homeland of Brittan! 

I insist that you make it your goal, Bella, to go on a grand adventure at some point! It doesn't need to be now but when time and your life permit it. Hell, you live near Boston right? Go to a Redsox game, I'm sure that would be an experience!   


@bella: that's basically my idea of adventure. wander around till you're right in the middle of it. >w<
@kraus: i keep getting hassled by Franklin College Switzerland, maybe you could apply there. :3
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why do i live on the other side of the world D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


because pandas don't like snow? :\
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actually pandas live in cold places *_*

Why am i such a rebel D:
My my, aren't you lovely~

Dr. Kraus


Is it:
Franklin College Institute for European Studies
based in Sorengo, Switzerland


Franklin College Switzerland
based in New York, New York


@choco: hey yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, its really been a long while XD
@bella: how long are you gonna keep that moth?
@zen: no worries since we're on the same side of the world.

Dang, all I need is to be away for a few hours and I'm so far behind pages now nyuuu... I'm still sleepy tho for playing Alice return to madness for the whole night. so then.. later~


I feel like running this morning :) and no, I don't sleep.


I know I slept, but I feel like I didn't. I hate mornings like that...


I just woke up, its dark and I just noticed the house backdoor was widely open for the whole day.
that was scary since I'm home alone right now/. its nighttime currently ~ yawn/


Be careful; there could be ninjas anywhere in your house right now

Dr. Kraus

Lol ninjas...

anyway, I'll probably be applying to to this college later this year:

For computer science or something along that line.


Well, I was about to attempt to post here using Bulbasaur (My iMac), but Netscape didn't seem to like it that much; crashing epically upon trying to enter this topic. Still, not too bad for it's age

Anyway, today is a pretty lazy day for me; nothing really important to do, so I'm just goofing off