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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well before any of that, Lee played many of the great monsters of Western Literature, and most well known as Dracula!  The man is a living legend, especially among sci-fi/horror fans.  He's done a lot in his career, but he's best known for his portrayal of great villains ^^.  He's one of the many reasons I would much prefer to play the role of a villain.

EDIT:  In regards to errors, Firefox does most of the work for me.  It doesn't auto-correct (not that I would want it to anyway), but it does spell-check automatically so I can make corrections myself.  The only problem is that it doesn't check for grammar or syntax, so I'm kinda screwed when it comes to run-ons and homophones and such.

The Choice of a New Generation.


I know him cuz of his career of dubbing actor. I started played EQ II cuz heard that he dubbed Lucan D'Lere there. And liked the priest сcharacter in Corpse Bride dubbed by him^^
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.


i watched star trek the other day and it was awesome. no need to be a trekkie to like this one XD
My my, aren't you lovely~


Hm so many good comments...can't wait my downloads to finish ^_^
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.


Quote from: "zjhentohlauedy"i watched star trek the other day and it was awesome. no need to be a trekkie to like this one XD

Well, that was kind of the idea I was conveying with my earlier statement.  It seems that anytime a franchise movie has mainstream appeal, it's bound to piss off the hardcore fanbase for some reason.  The only franchise movie I know of that experienced near universal praise (i.e. appealing to both hardcore and mainstream audiences) would be The Dark Knight, although I've read some fairly heavy-handed criticisms of it as well.

Quote from: "Vaereth"I know him cuz of his career of dubbing actor. I started played EQ II cuz heard that he dubbed Lucan D'Lere there. And liked the priest сcharacter in Corpse Bride dubbed by him^^

Yeah, it's not uncommon for guys with distinctive voices to become a popular choice for voice work.  Few actors can match Lee's bass (names like Vincent Price, Tony Jay, and Corey Burton come to mind).

The Choice of a New Generation.


A little question: is Star Trek something like Back to the Future series? I have an imagination of it
Wit beyond measure is man\'s greatest treasure^^

I apologize for my English in advance, because it isn\'t my natural language. So if you see any mistakes or you don\'t understand what I\'m saying, please don\'t hesitate and tell me about your misunderstanding or where I have made a language mistake.


No, Back to the Future is about time travel, whereas Star Trek is about space travel (in reality, these would be the same concepts, but in science fiction there's kind of a line drawn).  The theme in Back to the Future is a bit lighter too - while Star Trek is generally serious and dramatic, Back to the Future tends to be light-hearted and comedic.  We're also talking about the difference between a personal venture (Back to the Future), and the voyage of an entire crew (Star Trek).  I'm not exactly sure if this was the comparison you were looking for, but this was the best one I could do since I haven't seen the new Star Trek movie yet.

The Choice of a New Generation.


the only common thing they have is sci-fi and time travel.
My my, aren't you lovely~


Yep, and time travel isn't as central to the plot of Star Trek as Back to the Future I would say.

Also, infinity_zero sighted!  Business may be about to pick up! ^^

The Choice of a New Generation.


Well, I'm not much of a Trekker at all, but that's just because the series are too bothersome to DL in comparison with the 6 starwars jedis are fun in games. -w-

Nah, I'm not much of a star wars mumbojumbo either, really.

Wtf am I, then? The hell knows. Haruhiist for animu, WoT-ist and EWAR-ist for literature, but movies/series...who the hell knows? I don't watch much.
But Johnny Depp is almost always good. So I'll stick with that.
Somehow most stuff involving Orlando Bloom seems to draw me like magnetism too, maybe that's because I stole his Legolas look. I dunno. -w-

Added after 3 minutes:

And is anyone wonders why I'm here now, it's because I just woke up. I partied as FUUUCK last night, owned the dancefloor for hours and shit, and with my impending cold of doom sneaking up on me, that's turned into shit like a heavy-as-lead stone weighing me down in bed and making me miss school. So I'm sick. Yeah. Fuckit.


Okay, star trek isn't about time travel, the only two times (that is in the movies) when they traveled back in time was when Kirk needed a humpback to save the earth and traveled back in time by traveling in low orbit around the sun and using it to reach warp10 in a stolen Bird of Prey (he kinda "lost" the enterprise on the genesis planet when klingons boarded it; this was after he stole it -yes he stole the enterprise- from Starfleet, for wich he was later courtmarshalled and demoted from admiral to captain)...

And the second time was when Picard was chasing a Borg Sphere through a space-time rift to the time when Cochoran was supposed to make first contact with the Vulcans (in a vessel built from a salvaged Nuclear missile, oh the irony :P)

So yeah Star trek is based on different things, basically...
In ToS it was really about "boldly going where no man has gone before", and "bending" the rules..... alot..... ^_^
In TNG it was about exploring and science, and they were a lot less like cowboys, more like goodie-two-shoes scientists...
In DS9 it was about a space station... still a good series though...
InVoyager it was about -ehhm- well basically it was about NCC-74656, who got screwed and ended up in the Delta quadrant and tried to get home............ Or it is about some Sci-Fi ship with stuff happening and one hot babe; Seven of Nine, according to some...

But the movies are best, especially the first 7, where we still have good ol' Captain Kirk and his crew...
TNG is also good, Stewie is excellent as Picard, but the series lacks a bit in adventure, the "don't think, just do" attitude is a bit lost...
Oh and Enterprise (the series) i havent watched but i just know it'd suck...
I am curious about the latest movie, though....Then again after quickly reading about it on Wikipedia, and seeing a screenshot I doubt i'll like it...
The crew of ToS wat magnificent and isn't that easily replicated in a new movie, hell how would you copy Shatners look and attitude, Nimoy's Vulcan-esque-ness (in lack of a better word), Koenigs cool russian accent, Heck talking about accent's, what about the ships miracle worker, Doohan, who always said he needed double the time he actually needed to keep his rep up...
And then theres Nichols, Takei and of course our ray of sunshine Kelley..... How on earth- woops, wrong term- how in the galaxy will they replace them?!
Plus this new bridge looks like it's from a starship built to replace the USS Voyager, definately not like the NCC-1701 i know (and yes i know there were a lot of different Enterprises with NCC-1701-X, but the first Enterprise didn't have a letter designation yet...), god next thing you know they've put new stuff like holodecks on this new "old" Enterprise...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Wow, I completely misjudged you Nej, pardon that.  I also apparently failed to properly estimate the depth of Smokey's trekkieness ^^;.  As I've said before, I'm more of a comic book nerd (particularly Marvel) so I'm more inclined to praise/criticize movies based on such licenses (like X-Men Origins, which was a disappointment).

The Choice of a New Generation.


True, that's why i am glad that Roddenberry just started off to make the series, instead of it being based off a book/comic...
I also have massive respect for the way star trek helped shape the world as it is today (well at least the science and tech stuff ^_^)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Don't forget Star Wars, Planet of the Apes, and Back to the Future - those films have been very influential as well.  I would say the same of comic books as well, but there are too many to cover...

The Choice of a New Generation.


Awfully on topic this thread, isnt it?