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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Once again, that would be a great idea for getting people here, but once they've downloaded them, what makes them come back? We need some activity to engage them.

Added after 14 minutes:

Now this on the other hand...

Quote from: "C-Chan-Senpai"Actually, today I had another very dangerous urge to create one of those overly-ambitious ones -- and I've been trying hard to stifle that nonsense, but it keeps resurfacing. ^^;

It would be a very simple old-RPGeque game centered around the Binteji Renmei. It would have elements of RPG, RTS, social/city simulations and "collect them all" games.

It starts off with the founding of the BR, at which point Amiga-sama, ][-chan, GS/OS, Lisa-chan, Windows 1.0-chan, and Windows 2.0-chan are playable characters. Each has their fighting style (or lack thereof), speech mannerisms, and of course talents. Amiga-sama is a multi-role character whose good at many things and has perpetually-good morale and endurance. ][-chan is a great short and long-range fighter, knows how to grow food (and teach others), but has fairly low speed and hit points. GS/OS-sama is the greatest fighter among them at startup, but generally not very good at much of anything else. Both Lisa-chan and 1.0-chan don't have exceptional talents and their fighting skills are non-existent, but they have almost interminable endurance for boring, reptitive tasks (such as knitting or carrying stuff) and their presence helps maintain morale and happiness. 2.0-chan has poor fighting skills and overall low endurance/hit points, but she's the only one at startup who can build (and teach others to build) strong building structures, and is key to getting ][-chan's simple hut expanded to a decent living place. ^^

The key at the beginning of the game is the same as most Sim city/town/etc simulators -- expand the BR and build up resources so that you start attracting (and/or maintaining) potential new members. This is done by expanding the crop fields, building extra living quarters and storage sheds, refurbishing broken appliances into working ones, fighting off viruses and bootlegs in the vicinity, etc. The player could take direct control of up to three characters at a time, but the real goal is to delegate the tasks properly so the right number of people work on the right number of things. With so few OS-tans at first, and with no communications grid set up, it's dangerous to spread the OS-tans too far.

New members start to introduce new skills that help expand the technology tree further (and add an extra helping hand). PET-chan, for example, would introduce fishing and boating, Pilot-chan flying and trade, ZX-Spectrum-tan higher grades of teaching and research (the more the other OS-tans are taught, the more advanced tech trees become available). There would also be various non-vintage-tans wandering around the map randomly -- a few offer trouble, many a friendly conversation or valuable information, but a couple offer a useful service such as temporary volunteer work, simple bartering, or a financial reward for a simple task or item that can bring in some money.

If mismanaged -- and all the new members leave starved and unhappy, and the buildings/fields created destroyed by rampaging malware-tans -- than the player starts from scratch. If well-played, however, the BR becomes a bustling mini-metropolis of activity, with control and influence over every part of the mini World Map, and with activities essentially self-sustaining.


This would be an amazing draw _and_ potentially provide tons of new topics and discussions. Plus it would spark conversations if it was a group effort to build! The problem is finding a common language and enough people with enough time to build it. Like Nejin-sama said, Windows XP is the most common system on the market. Personally, the only graphical programming I know is Obj-C/Quartz, which isn't exactly portable to Windows ^^'
I'd be willing to learn another language though...


I'm no coder, so I wouldn't be much help there. I could do some basic hacking and delivery, but it does sound like a good idea. The issue is getting enough talented programmers to work on it for long enough, so we can get an initial, working alpha before interest drops...and attracting those may take some work, unless people have ideas.


QuoteWell, nobody is that great an artist at first-- it's all a matter of practice and time. As for your -tan ideas, do you mean they're non-OS-tans? I might still like to hear about them. I admit I had the idea to make force-tans...gravity-tan, electromagnetism-tan, strong and weak nuclear force-tan, but I never really got around to it.

Well, I mean more like app-tans.  There were a few ideas Piggy-senpai and I threw around, but nothing ever materialized (C-Chan was too busy and I was too unmotivated).  For example, I've always been keenly interested in the creation of an Amarok-tan (it's probably my favorite program plus it's one of the most popular apps I've never seen an app-tan for).  I also have a general concept of what Amarok-tan should look like, but not the capability to get anything resembling it on paper (or the computer screen for that matter -__-).  There are a few other OS-tans and app-tans I have ideas for as well.

With all the discussion of coding, perhaps I should get working on my Python self-education.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quote from: "SleepyD"
Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Interesting that the fall of one star gives birth (or rejuvenates) a handful of others. ^^
What happened while I was gone and wallowing in physics equations and object-oriented programming? o-O
I didn't properly say goodbye!!
Seriously though, this came out of left field for me as I have been blissfully unaware of what's been going on here for a while.  I've only been checking a thread or two until very recently.
Quote from: "Bella"
Dunno if it was the look you were going for, but the coloring almost looks hand-colored. And I like how you did the grass and sky. It's really nice. ^^

As for the club, just send me a note or post a link to your OS/2-tan picture, and I'll fave it. Those idiots at DA seem to be dragging their feet on making some sort of club feature... and I'm being a bit lazy about directly uploading the pictures to the account...

It's still in beta, though, and I'm trying to figure out the layout and such as we speak.
Thanks, I felt that a softer palette would have fit Kino more.  And I absolutely love drawing backgrounds, so I'm very happy you noticed. :3

well, I think it's better if you fave it instead of uploading them.  I remember instances where the club pic became more popular than the original pic, and the artist never really got the attention he/she deserved (despite the artist being linked to in the description *roll eyes*) Pictures directly uploaded can be ones that the club has collaborated on.

Quote from: "Bella"
QuoteI'd revive my Touhou thread, but I'm not sure how many (active) people here play touhou. A lot of the people who first replied to that thread have since disappeared.

I've never even heard of it before now. -///-
Ehe, well most people who watch anime don't normally delve into more Japanese otaku culture, but Touhou is a popular item among those guys.  Pop into 4chan's /jp/ board and you'll see a lot of Touhou.
@Tsubashi: I would love to hear any developments in getting Touhou to run outside a Windows platform. :3

==I'm not going to quote stuff for the rest of this post==
Re: Giant project
That would require a firm commitment among team members.  It's really hard to keep focus when people keep dropping out for weeks at a time.  The alternative is having a large enough group that it can handle people being absent for a substantial periods.  As of now, I don't think OSC is ready to undertake something like that.  

@Ian, re: app-tans
I think the best way to get people (or at the very least, me) motivated is to actually draw something on paper and post it.  From there, improvements could be made, if needed.  Oh, and it's better to be simple when creating these things.  Makes it easy for small modifications to be made from different artists and still keep the feel of the original design.


@ Huge OS-tan game: I agree...something like that would be very difficult to make, and would need a lot of commitment. C-Chan was thinking about doing a much simpler game involving OS-tans, so there's a chance that we might see some sort of original OS-tan game.

@ IDK's App-tan and OS-tan ideas: even if you can't put them down on paper, I would like to hear these ideas! That's why we have the Theories and Conjecture thread. :P

@ The DA Club: Yeah, I figure just faving things would be easier for me, and less... troublesome... for the club members. For consistancy's sake I even resurrected my old BellaCielo DA page and posted my pictures there, and am in the process of deleting my pictures from the club account.

As you said, collaborations, club ID pictures, etc. can be directly uploaded.


Alright, now for some topicless stuff.
And churches in general, but burials feel like getting strangled for an hour straight. My throat fukken hurts now. Also I was the photographer-in-charge, so I couldn't just stay away and out of sight, either.



So you prefer cremations? ^.^

Weddings are worse when you are a "professional videographer" and don't know anyone. Even worse when you are the stand-in videographer because your friend the "professional" fell ill but can't miss the appointment because they are a really high paying customer. Then you have to pretend you know everything, hope you do it right and make sure no one notices you are absolutely clueless.

Yeah... ^__^;


Well, that's true too, weddings just make me want to puke out of sheer RAGE because of all that...bleugh. No, ew. Do not want.

This case was a bit different though, seeing as it was a friend of mine who jumped in front of a train in the chest. Doesn't exactly make it better, now does it.


Oh, Nejin-sama! I'm am so terribly sorry. I didn't mean to make light of your friend's death. I am so sorry.
*Bows Apologetically*
If there is anything I can do to help. I can see why such an experience would be so dreadful


Ah, don't worry, don't worry. Nejin, the demon he is, is a cold-hearted bastard, you know. I can take those things. ^^
More so, the damn CHURCH makes me want to...eargh. Ew. No, churches aren't healthy.


Anno... I might have to disagree with you there. The neurochemical adjustments often associated with religion can be rather astounding. Then again, such a topic is entirely subjective and varies incalculable amounts person to person, so... ^.^

Please be okay, though.


Quote@ IDK's App-tan and OS-tan ideas: even if you can't put them down on paper, I would like to hear these ideas! That's why we have the Theories and Conjecture thread. :P

Ha, thanks, I'll try that.

QuoteAh, don't worry, don't worry. Nejin, the demon he is, is a cold-hearted bastard, you know. I can take those things. ^^
More so, the damn CHURCH makes me want to...eargh. Ew. No, churches aren't healthy.

Yikes, religion.  I think I'll instead throw in my two cents regarding ceremonies, that is, marriages and funerals suck - even for the party(s) involved.  Such is the burden of tradition, I plan to include a provision in my will for a natural and cost effective burial - dump my unclothed body in a ditch somewhere, ha.  Seriously, I'd prefer my corpse not be loaded with preservatives and other nonsense.  I'd also like for there not to be any fanfare, but I doubt a will can actually do anything about that.

I think everyone feels the same way going to funerals, Nejin-san.  Even when it is someone you knew and cared about, the only thing on your mind is to get the hell out of there as soon as you can.  At least, that's the way I feel.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Solution number 141: FIRE IT...INTO SPACE!!!

And thank you for that, IDK.

By the way, your mind gets a bit fsck'd when you first visit a funeral, and then watch Battle Royale...yikes. >_>


Lurv lurv. <3 >:3


hahaha awesome.  This mashup was amazing.