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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I'm starting to get very tired of the 'gay' and 'fag' references you make NejinOniwa-san, so I don't bother PMing you but instead make it very clear here: stop using 'gay' and 'fag' as slurs, it really annoys me personally.

Looking 'gay' is bad thing, ok. Being an 'emo fag' is a bad thing, ok. Being an 'upper-class high culture fag' is a fun slur, ok. Keep them to yourself, they can be considered offensive.

And yes, good luck with that concert.


omg...Pitkin...posting outside the "Gallery updates" thread. Even when it's only for giving a warning...I can't believe it!!.


haha, amazing, isn't it?

well, I do wish ya luck Nejin. ^^

so... uh....
life treatin you all well? haha XD;


A rare appearance indeed -w- And i shall seek to heed your advice, ar Pittokinnu. *trots off to edit*
Anywayssu, I don't think I've ever had a voice as broken apart as i had after the concert was over, at least not all healthily - full throttle on old rock classics really take it out of you! To mention one, Living On A Prayer was a damn hell taking the last note - but it totally pwned the stage.
Also we (my class and music teachers) took farewell (well, sorta, it's still two weeks left 'til their graduation though) of our senpais, with a after-party-style party thing. And despite there only being one (yes, only a single one) can of Generic Alcoholic Beverage (beer) there, I still feel very, very drunk right now. I think. But it could also be very very tired, heck i dunno, my mind's too damn fuzzy right now to differ between right and Phoenix Wright. I can still sing though, since my voice recovered in those three hours. That might be a good sign.

Anyways, and no school for me tomorrow - all my classes are taken out for "compensation" - which is basically teachers and students mutually lazing off since we've finished the course. Hooray for the RL Random Event Generator!!!

Added after 14 hours 10 minutes:

But not hooray for sleeping 'til 2 am -.-


Wizhúmm! I'm back home!
In the case of those who wish to ask: Yes I had a very good time, my perspective of Sweden is very different now, it was so boring in the memory, probably because then I had to stay with a Swedish family that couldn't understand English and thus I had to speak Danish, which by the way I have never been very good at. But hey, all that matters is that it was fun now!
The best part about the trip is that I got to meet my old friends from middle school, some of which I haven't met since we graduated from that school. They're all doing very well, I'm sure they'll be glad you asked =P
But anyways, I'm gonna head on and read the rest of all that which I have missed and such.


Welcome back, Gummster! Great to see you here again! also good that you revised your perspective and had fun :)

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Allow me to utter a small,
"Hate to say i told you so?"
Here. ^^ Ofc, those kind of exchanges can be a quite dull experience, that is true - and especially with people who won't understand ya ;) - so i kinda get the reasons of your dislike in the beginning. Nice to have tcha revised thou! Ganbare!

And of course welcome back! Do you have any interesting anecdotes to share with us from your trip, then?


Yo Gummuntu!  Nice to have you back again!  ^v^

BTW, I think I'm seeing ghosts, cause I could've sworn that a certain... cat has been prowling these forums again.  -v-


There are no such things as ghosts, at least not RL. But on the internet...well, who knows? ;)

Added after 41 minutes:

Oh and also, to return to the topicless stuff...I just had the weirdest dream ever tonight. Okay I've had dreams that are just fukken strange, but this one was weird, but at the same time comprehensible and REALLY scary.

I don't remember all that much details, but the creepy part was this...
*beach, anime graphics*
Random male lead: Did you know that Konata has the same seiyuu as Haruhi?
Random female lead: Hmm...really?
*screen scrolls and shows Haruhi, in mini format, at the side of the screen, building a sand castle*
Mini-Haruhi (to herself): Who the hell cares about that?


So there we've got my subconscious brain simulating what at least I thought was perfect japanese - which i in no way can see happening - me watching anime - even in my sleep - and last of all, HARUHI appearing in my dreams. I'm starting to think that this might be going somewhere entirely way off target - whatever that now may be...

Oh well, that's todays random rant. Any of you folkssu have any weirdu dreamssu lately?


I had the dream of going to a job interview in typical everyday clothes, including a political slogan on the T-Shirt. They were rather mispleased but I showed them their job offer which said that personality counts and they gave me the chance to re-do this (it worked like hitting a reset-button in this dream), I now was wearing conservative clothes, but as a sign of spite, I had a communist red star on my clothes but no one noticed.

Another weird dream was that I died and still was able to be on my favorite IRC-channel but gradually fading out.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Strange dreams indeed. Though a 'reset' button for life might be very nice, ne?

Very rarely do I dream so I guess anything is 'weird' for me. When I do dream, though, it's almost always nightmares. Last night was no exception. I dreamt I was searching for something, only I couldn't remember what. I was in the museum, for some odd reason, and I decided I needed to be home. I stepped outside, right into bright sunlight. I should have turned around and waited, but there was a sense of urgency I couldn't shake. My eyes watered so much I could barely see, but I managed to make it home alright. I burst through my door and came face to face with a phased werewolf.

I woke up screaming ^^'

Oh heavens, of all possible days Why Yesterday?


You dream every day, only most of the time, you do not remember the dreams on the next morning.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


mm, mm, hear hear -w-

Although the dreams you remember almost always are in the last stage of your sleep, which occurs only when you sleep for a long, long, time. So I don't remember much of my dreams either, since I barely ever sleep over 5 hours -w-


Hello guys!

I don't really want to disturb anyone but I've posted this on infinity_zero's "Love Love OS!" thread that since he is having trouble uploading his work on Youtube. It's in there now :)

This is OStan Collections related so I'm sorry to bother all of you.


Yo Alfamille.  Short time no see!  ^___^

This is the first time I've seen Infinity-sama's video on YouTube, so thank you!  ^.^

Everything is perfect except for the ending, where the pan out shot is replaced with just a blank pink screen.  Any thoughts as to what might've happened there?  ^^;