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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Aw man! This weekend has been, aside from a complete flight from civilization, a really inspiring trippy. From now on, whenever someone is complaining about my constant lack of sleep, this will be my answer:

The best ideas comes to those deprived of sleep, for ideas don't sleep either.

...or something ^^
Anywayssa, what I also realized was the following:
Lying in your bed, watching Haruhi on your iPod for two hours straight will NOT help you sleep. AT ALL.

So instead of sleeping, I went down to the beach and took a bath. 4 o'clock in the morning. And while dawn is fukken saved beauty, water that gives ya a fukken brain freeze isn't. It DID help me sleep though. So conclusion is,

Sleep - Haruhi + Drenched In Ice Cold Water>6 hours. Therefore, Drenched In Ice Cold Water>6 Hours Of Haruhi.[/b]

That means you'll have to watch at least seven hours of Haruhi straight if you want to counter being Drenched In Ice Cold Water once. Quite annoying since you'll have to watch the whole series like twice. So stay out of Brain-freezing waterssa, minasan!


mmm.... brain freezing water.

i envy you for witnessing a beach side dawn. i wake up long pass dawn and the only dawn i see is when i don't sleep. even then i can't see its beauty due to the lack of sleep.
My my, aren't you lovely~



Ahoy, Comrades! NewYinzer is back on the forums for one hour (with all of my obscure references to anime)! For those who care, my absence has been due to a few factors. Finals, Science Olympiad, and Lucky Star. Finals are next week, so I'm working day and night studying. I'm dancing to the tune of 20% of my year grade for each class, so I've been working about ten times harder than a three year ronin! My school's Science Olympiad team just came back from nationals at Wichita, Kansas a few hours ago. We got 17th place overall, and I went to the original Pizza Hut (ironically founded in the 1950's, years after Britannia crushed the American Revolution). Finally, I've been preoccupied by Lucky Star. It's like, Azumanga Daioh + (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya x 0.1) + (Genshiken x 0.05) = WIN. It's a nice surprise after a hard day of studying for finals. This week and next will be dominated by them, so I won't see you guys again until early June (Ironically the first year anniversary of the the time I discovered the OS-tans). Don't worry - I'll be back long before Episode 24 of Code Geass airs!

*picks up bar of soap to wash face of oils from chips eaten on trip*

NewYinzer: Why was there bacon in the soap?
GIR: I made it myself!



"The best ideas comes to those deprived of sleep, for ideas don't sleep either."
How very true Nejin. one reason why I am sleepydoodler. XD;

haha, well, good luck Yinz. ^^

how is everyone else, btw? busy much?
I don't remember how many posts here is a normal amount of activity anymore... haha....


I made waffles!

its got waffles in 'em!

your finals are starting? good luck newyinzer.

Nooooo. my summer vacation is over!! school will be starting in 2 days and counting!....
need more time... more time... moar!!
My my, aren't you lovely~


mmmm.... waffles.

wha, whut, that sucks. o-O
I'm just starting my vacation.... ^^;
live your last days to the fullest I say! X3

@yinz: speaking of obscure anime references, and in keeping of the topicless-ness of the topicless thread, ever watched Pani Poni Dash? or... is anyone watching Hayate no Gotoku/Hayate the Combat Butler?


You read my mind - I do need to watch Pani Poni Dash! But I need a little more time - the summer is right around the corner! And I can finally get what I've been waiting on - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya on DVD!


haha, coolz.
welp, don't get distracted from studying for your finals, and good luck again! ^^


Yeah hey!
Me reporting from Sweden!
We´re having a wonderful time all of us over here, I just wanted to let you all know, we´re going after a few hours to the largest market place in al of the norse countries!

Oh and by the way, Hayte no Gotoko = win!


I am back in my NRW again, I have slept 9 hours and still am tired, it was really, really much stress and chaos, but I am am smiling. The party (political, mind you) convention was succcessful and we were able to get things done. The nights were ice cold which did not matter because they were rather short :) It was great to meet people from all over the nation who have the same ideals as this penguin.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


okaerinasai, Kami-Tux! I'm glad to hear that you trip was a success, even though it's left you worn out! Make sure to get enough sleep all!

Added after 1 minutes:

Gummster-san! Nice to hear from you again! Glad to hear you're having such a great time! Hope to see you again sometime soon.


take care gummster-san!

welcome back kami-tux

summer is over for me!! and i can't live it to the fullest right now since i'm going to be out in the last day of summer, cramming with my groupmates for a paper to be passed on the first day!
My my, aren't you lovely~


Ganbatte gummster-kun!


Quote from: "Gummster"Yeah hey!
Me reporting from Sweden!
We´re having a wonderful time all of us over here, I just wanted to let you all know, we´re going after a few hours to the largest market place in al of the norse countries!

Oh and by the way, Hayte no Gotoko = win!
whee! have fun!

and yes, Hayate no Gotoku is win. :3
and you all must join us! XD;


Yaushaa, minasan! One hour of slacking home left, then I'll be off to my grand concert o' tha year. Fangly saxophone @ stage is coming up! And I am gonna wear...FRILLS!!!!!!!!!!
Or more exactly, a PINK shirt with lots of them, and on top a full velour costume and stuff...I'll be looking so fukken 70's-disco-waggler it's hardly true. -w-
Wish me luck!