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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Sorry Captain,... I want to join, but between a horrible commute, all that shoveling and then this crap, I'm really spent and bummed out.  I'm only typing posts tonight to ease some concerns here and there, but what I really want to do is go to bed....  -_____-


okay.. ill tuck you in *runs off to put some lettice and tomato on c-chans bed*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Listen, C-Chan, you need to calm down. Sure, they're a bunch of bitches. However, they bring up a good point - our wiki isn't doing so great. Before you claw out my carcass, start thinking. Our site has been in need of a critic or two. We've been building it up like a golden cow, only to find that in the eyes of some - it's just a bloated cow. I like this site - I'd do whatever to defend it. However, we must be open to criticism. Sure he said a lot of things that are dumb - like how our designs are infringing on Nijiura's copyright. However, he did bring up two important points:
- There are advantages to anonymous posting
- Our wiki isn't that great

Believe me, I take blame for the flame war, for my lack of wiki editing, my old grabs for moderator status, and for my lackluster approach to the forum's welfare recently. I lost my better judgment on a few things, I've been guilty of a few infractions around here. I posted random images for a while trying to damp down the flames of the fire I accidentally lit for myself. But I'd whatever I can to preserve the sanctity of our forum. But before you ride my out of the forum on a train car over this, consider a few things:

- We aren't perfect. As much as we'd like to be, we can't be perfect.
- That former belief shouldn't stop us from pursuing to improve ourselves.

Now, one last comment from the Yinzer:

Would yinz mind if I left?


No one needs leave over this.. its a one time deal and eye opener.  Learn from it and we will be a better site for it.. but dont go engaging in more flame wars to get more critiques.. its really not a good idea.. we can find a more productive way of doing that.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


whoa-ho, yinz, like you said, we all make mistakes.

And that argument in itself should keep you here.

And C-Chan when you get back I have this to say:
No one, and I mean no one, is proposing sweeping changes.  (For example, if anonymous posting is allowed at all, it would be in a separate forum) And any changes that will be made will be made with the approval of the community.

So, go get some sleep, and we'll discuss this later when you're not so tired. (Believe me, I'm tired) -o-


Thank you everyone for finally settling down a bit on this issue.  -v-

I have no more energy left, so let me just end it by sharing a little something here.  I wanted it to go in AmigaBob's Workbench-tan thread (a la "Infinity_Zero" style image praise), but at this point I think it can have greater relevance here....

Amiga-tan circa 1985.
The only currently finished snippet from one of the wallpapers I was working on for the contest, which I'm actually going to forfeit since it's clear we need to focus on how the Wiki should be organized, and also we need a refocus on what we want to make of our forum.  You're right, this was an eye-opening experience, and I want to cast aside all distractions to make sure we turn it into a positive one.  -___-

There may be varying opinions about the quality of the art or the choice of OS-tan, but 'm very proud of it and I'll tell you why....

First, of course I'm proud that she's my baby,...
She may not win a popularity contest among purists (in fact, she'd be banned), but I wasted 10 years of my life drawing/collaging other people's work, only to turn back hollow and empty because I betrayed my own ideas AND produced nothing more than forgettable copycats.  I love the Japanese art style so I imitate it, but that's as far as my imitation will go.  The canon OS-tans themselves have more than enough people to care for them, between their own original creators and loyal fans.

But second, I'm proud because this was my first work where I've actively tried to pour in every technique I've learned while being here.  Some soft-shading, variable-width lines, anatomical enhancements, taking my time drawing her carefully at the cost of speed, etc, etc....

I may appear pig-headed sometimes, and I'm sorry if that makes me look and sound offish, but the truth is that nothing that you say to me slips past me, and I'm always grateful for anything said to me with the intent of improving my characters.

To reiterate my mission here, my goal is not artistic pride (if that were the case, I'd leave everyone on the curve to post XP or Vista Seifuku pictures at Waka), but education.  I want people to learn about different systems, and I want everyone to realize that new things can be created and everyone can play a role in that creation.  In addition, as some of you know, I'm also willing to teach people how to draw in the Anime style, if they have no confidence in themselves.  (I yammer on about Inkscape, but if need be I've been known to talk about Photoshop as well.)

If PM me with any questions about viruses or appearances of particular "____"-tans or Japanese translations (even if I don't speak it), I try my best to leave you satisfied even if it costs me a good part of my lunch hour.  If people want to learn to get along as a team, I try my best to help, even if perhaps I'm not the best pig qualified to do that.  I've already entered into two private collaborations, and am happy to note that it's not a one-sided affair, but a mutually beneficial and productive learning experience that I think bodes well for the future of our forum.  ^__^

I want to create things, not destroy.  I want people to feel welcomed here, and I want this place to be as much a good learning experience as it is a place to releax.  You have an OS-tan design that you feel it's crappy, I will help you make it shine somehow.  ^___^
(just be sure to remind the pig, because he is still easily distracted... -v-)
You just want to talk, sure I can do that to.
Bottom line is, I'm here to serve my community, no more no less.  

And that's all I can say,... time for my death rattle.... -v-

Good night everyone....


Ok i didn't read all, because unlike some people i have a real life to handle and to be honnest, tons of real problems lately. But the matter isn't about me. Let's talk about the topic...

About the way this site is managed, i don't think there is any problems with it. When some people say it's a "restricted" forum, please tell me where, since everyone can post everywhere without justifying or paying a cent. If you register with a "mslqksdq" nick, it's fine with me and i think you'll stay anonymous enough. Now, if anyone wants anonymous posting in order to stay hidden, be aware that your IP and headers (even behind a strong proxy) will ALWAYS betray you. So since you can't be anonymous, please don't be childish and act like adults when you have to tell something.

Now, i don't care about the way other boards / imageboards / etc... are managed outside of there. I force nobody to come here, yet i'm happy if people enjoy the place. Other boards allow flame and anonymous posting ? I'm very glad to hear that but that won't be the case here. And i don't care also if "it's not on the spirit" or "fashion". Have you noticed how many moderators there are here ? Only 1. I always refused to have tons of moderators and i think it shows enough i like freedom on a board. But freedom has a price : to act like adults (even if you are not, i talk of responsible actions). Anonymous posting always bring stupid comments and tons of problems. I won't enable that because of fashion.

About the wiki, it's BETA stage, for those who can't / don't want to read. When it'll be opened, then there'll be a link to it and like any wiki, anyone will be able to edit it. The wiki argument is irrevelant to me then.

About imageboard, i will make one, so feel free to use it or not. It'll be there anyway. I don't mind if it's not used, my will is to provide you the tools, you'll be free to use them or not. On Imageboard, there are most chances anonymous posting will be allowed, but there are even more chances that ANY offending posting will lead in a ban. I don't want to have an imageboard with same brain level as some i can see (and sorry about people who feel targeted, since i know there are also smart members in those).

What is freedom ? Freedom is to allow anyone to tell what he/she wants and respect towards others. I believe this board follows this freedom. Asking for a registration is not against freedom. Insulting someone is against freedom. We have many talented people here, and i'm glad they act and create things the way they want and not the way "it should be". Since the start and forever, in this place, everyone will be free to act, talk, think, draw and do anything he/she wants as long as it doesn't go against any other people freedom.

That's my way to think, that's my answer and for me the problem (which wasn't one) is now settled.

Thank you for listening  ;hi

Added after 57 seconds:

I even allowed members to pickup the domain name, isn't that freedom ? How many sites allow you to do that ? ^_^


This thread has become too serious.


I agree, let's start the usual chitchat again ^_^


*comes out of hiding*

Phew! Thought i was gon' DIE, ssu!


Random topic change:

I think that Babelfish is not so good in translating Japanese texts. Is there something similar but better/more precise web-based translator for Japanese texts?


If you're a firefox user (which you should be!) yous can simply download the FoxLingo extension or similar. That will provide you with a handy list of good translators. I usually use Nifty for Jap>Eng translations, which i find quite good with the exception of online slang (which all online translators have problems with, sadly), and even there it does a quite good job by, when not able to translate into an english word or if it's unsure, also showing the romanized version of the word which can make things a bit easier to understand if you know some japanese.


Thanks for the advice. It should work with lolifox, too, right?


They say all FF ext-s work with LF yeah, it should.


It seems to work. I compared the Babelfish translation with the Nifty translation, and... Nifty's one is more articulated, Babelfish's one is more slurred. But there are untranslated (I think for the more unusal words) parts in both. The Nifty translations seems a bit better.