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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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QuoteReal quick before I sleep. I would be extremely interested in a "History of OS-tan Collections" Article in the wiki. As far as I know, I think C-Chan and NewYinz by themselves made this place a rather active forum. I remember joining because it was quiet.... C-Chan joined a few days after I did, and it has never been the same. heh

HAHA!!!  Thanks, but sayin' that in the presence of the Captain is inviting a death wish!  ^.^

No but seriously, I have to agree that I can't take credit for it either.  And it's not out of modesty, just out of plain fact that only a team effort can lift a forum out of its death spiral.

I once spoke with NewYinzer about this a long time ago, and mentioned the famous story about "The Tale of Two Forums".  Shortly after I joined, and posted Amiga-san, and received the little back-and-forth between me, you, Darknight and Pitkin, I also joined another emerging OS-tan forum with high hopes for the future.  And there too I poured everything I could into it, since I was under the impression then that this forum was on life support.  One could almost say that for a while, my contributions to THAT forum far exceeded anything I put here.

But alas, all the art, all the OS-tan discussions, and all the OS-tan resources mean nothing if the forum members themselves are not into it.  Truth be told, everyone (including the forum admin) spent every waking hour of their time on that thing roleplaying some silly Naruto games.

Naturally, after about two weeks, they all finally got tired and left, probably never realizing that the forum was about OS-tans.  Then more weeks past and no activity, then more and more and more until finally the admin posted a thread complaining about why no one was posting.  And that's just about when I had had enough.  In hoping the forum would magically grow by itself, the admin did nothing ot prevent its demise.  >_<

I think it's still around, but I honestly haven't looked back.  Personally, I rather be in a place where people are willing to build things, discuss relevant issues and just plain better themselves, rather than RPing the site to death.  >.<  
Even quirky tangents, like the Captain's exchange over in the old PalmOS-tan thread, are useful because they keep both the thread and the spirit of creativity (essential to the OS-tan phenomenon) alive.

If the reverse were the case, I wouldn't dare post my OS-tans here else they'd die a sure death in obscurity.....  ;____;


Ah, palm tan, that was still back in the life support days. I got on once a day at night maybe in country and the only posts were either that or topicless thread.  Hence why I had the time to write a small novel in each post.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


*siiiigh*  I do miss the days when one could write novels for posts.... ^___^

It'd be a waste to even try that now, given how quickly threads get buried.  -v-'


Or how little people want to actually read them.   Ive noticed few people have the attention span for really long posts.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Or how little people want to actually read them.   Ive noticed few people have the attention span for really long posts.



OH ah ohmmm.... Sorry to disturb ^_^

I played the Game Gadget Trial and I'm a person who really love strategy-Games i played many games before :

Age of Empires Series
Axis & Allies
WarCraft series
StarCraft+Brood War
Advance Wars 1-3
Warhammer 40k (Table-Top)
Dawn of War (The PC-Game version plus the expansion)
Chess (the real one too)
Lords of the Realm (1,2,3)
Heroes of Might and Magic (every Part 1-5)

etc. ( there are more but i can't remember every title right now...)

But now back to main part again (^^ sorry!)

I played many strategy games (People can say that I'm a Strategy-game-lover)
But Gadget Trial was the best Game i ever played ! (REALLY!)

I like Strategy-Games but Strategy-Games with cute little robot-girls are more interesting! Are there more Strategy-games like "Gadget Trial" ???
because rigtht now i really love such Games !!

They are all so cute!!!! I just "love" those japanese guys who create such games! !
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


You should get Mark of Chaos for the PC.  its a Warhammer fantasy RTS
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I'm tired .-.

And have been around for a little while :P Over a year now, wow! ^o^

And yeah Pitkin needs to post a lot more. I miss him!
So cute it\'s deadly!


So i keep telling him -_-  ill poke him with a stickc later and make him post.  you should post more too.

woo I got a job interview with the best security agency in the area! :D good thing too cus I only have one paycheck left -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


good luck captain!

regarding my previous post, I'm not downplaying your contributions at all. It wasn't that active, but during my week or two lurking, this place had a wonderful atmosphere.  

I must say though, once those 2 started posting, I ended up being in a forum that had a different atmosphere than when I first joined. That's basically what I meant. ^^
Like you said, they didn't do it single-handedly, but you gotta admit they were major contributors. (OS-tan, art topics, spam and all)

I think the change drove panda away tho. >_>

No offense, but at first, NewYinz didn't make sense to me. ^^;
A random example:
Quote from: "NewYinzer"MMM...Sweat
Sweat is available at smarter retailers nationwide.

It wasn't off topic, and it was a silly conversation, and it did make me laugh, but still. ^^;

....and yeah Pitkin should join us more.  Think Pitkin deserves his own wiki article? XD


Pitkin is the ultimate lurker. I talk to him on MSN daily.. he reads everything.. just never posts -_-  

Im not sure what drove panda away really... Everyone else here seems to be friendly and we didnt do anything to wroung her.  Maybe she wanted a forum with strict rules and guidlines and mods swinging the ban hammer with mighty powerful blows.   I donno.

New yinz in the first month he was with us shot his post count to over mine having been here as long as I have.. I admit i have a tendency to dissapear for long periods of time, but it was pretty crazy.. and there were alot of random short posts.  He has gotten much better at making sence.. or we just learned to understand him.. im not sure which.  

Honselty tho, its great things are active now, but sometimes I feel like sitting outside on the porch siping tea dreaming of the good old days of our humble beginings.

anyhow, if i get this job, and i should since its normaly entry level and i have experience Ill make about 12 an hour, and sopposedly alot of overtime.  It the only security agency in the area that has armed security  so they get all the good work. It will take a few months but I should be able to get assigned to patrol pretty fast and Ill be driving around in a squad car looking about as close to a cop as you can get, but just for our clients propertys.   Plus like I said, Ill be armed, so Ill need to go out and get myself a new gun (cus my WWI 1911 just isnt something you should carry around for work.. its a antique)  Seems I have to buy all the rest of my gear too like a merc, but it means I can be better equiped then I ever was as a marine.  Time to start shopping for body armor!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "Thurosis"OH ah ohmmm.... Sorry to disturb ^_^

I played the Game Gadget Trial and I'm a person who really love strategy-Games i played many games before :

Age of Empires Series
Axis & Allies
WarCraft series
StarCraft+Brood War
Advance Wars 1-3
Warhammer 40k (Table-Top)
Dawn of War (The PC-Game version plus the expansion)
Chess (the real one too)
Lords of the Realm (1,2,3)
Heroes of Might and Magic (every Part 1-5)

etc. ( there are more but i can't remember every title right now...)

Great list, Age of Empires, Starcraft, HoMM... and Gadget Trial :D Yes, they really hit the spot with this game! Now we only need a continuation (or at least a multiplayer patch or an expansion)! I just don't know how to persuade my brother about the greatness of this game. He found it too simple (I have no idea what he wants from a turn-based game) and even the unit designs can't amuse him. Please, help me Thurosis!


woo star craft...
i want to be as good as those crazy koreans on tournaments but for some reason i never get any good at any kind of games. i can't even finish a single rockman title (except for exe)
My my, aren't you lovely~


I can sense I've been mentioned here... -_-

Hiya all! ^^;;

Love the avatar, Captain Hacchan. :D Also, Exa-san's new signature is very pretty. Nidas-san's new signature featuring 888-san's quote is scary. ^^;;

Been a while since the last time I posted in this thread. Got my econometry project work accepted, and held today our group's presentation about social challenges in Malaysia. 11 hours of lectures, and within nine hours from now I'll be back at the uni again; not much to do on Wednesday, though. Just the international economics special course lecture and two hours of master's microeconomics practice. I guess I'll have time to go buy myself a function calculator (graphical calculators are going to be banned at university) and clean up my apartment. ^^

Tomorrow I - along with the rest of our student group - will also meet an MP and candidate in the upcoming parliamentary elections. It's going to be an interesting discussion, since I've yet to decide which party/candidate to vote for.

Oh, and in other random news, I'm possibly getting a new bookshelf next week, to accompany the lone shelf I currently have. ^___^ It's about time too, as my bookshelf looks... looks like something I don't want it to look like. *shakes head*

Umm... that's all, I think. Nice to see you all! ^o^


Quote from: "Thurosis"

European Wars! ^o^


Get me some Hussars and I'll meet you in Crimea!

QuoteIm not sure what drove panda away really... Everyone else here seems to be friendly and we didnt do anything to wroung her. Maybe she wanted a forum with strict rules and guidlines and mods swinging the ban hammer with mighty powerful blows. I donno.

New yinz in the first month he was with us shot his post count to over mine having been here as long as I have.. I admit i have a tendency to dissapear for long periods of time, but it was pretty crazy.. and there were alot of random short posts. He has gotten much better at making sence.. or we just learned to understand him.. im not sure which.

I hate to say this, but I think it was my randomness that drove panda away. Some people like me for my craziness, others it seems to drive them away. Anymore, I don't have a lot of time to be creative/random/crazy. I only get a few hours a month to be off the wall weird. Anymore I spend my time here flooding the gallery with new pics and contributing to the Wiki. Back then, with the cancellation of a three week long family trip and a lack of any real work, I had to rely on this forum for fun. It's grown so much since then that I've been able to put my heels up. Then I came to my senses and started making some improvements to the forum. Though I may not seem to post a lot, I've been in the background, working on some stuff.

Ya know, this post is too long to get noticed. I better do something random to get attention:

SEX! Now that I've got your attention, read this post! SEX!