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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari: 18 grand for a dorm? Holy shit.

@Cockle: has she threatened to leave you or anything like that?

I don't know the exact circumstances but I can say from personal experience that a person not having the exact qualities one finds (or once found) attractive doesn't necessarily doom, or even harm a relationship.


My parents paid 18 grand for a house*, which they now own; the idea of a dorm costing that much is insane .___.;
*In 1987, when the house was built and they signed the papers

So, had some chickens for lunch :3


I'd like to point out that if it weren't for the fact that there is no housing where I work, I too would be in my own place still.


fair enough. i forget how many people here live on their own.

@pent, bells: and that was per semester, i think. so that'd be $36k/year for 4 years. : D
@cockle: i'm......confused. what the fuck is happening here? she's seeing her exes in you?
also, don't even threaten that, i've seen plenty of lives ruined by drugs, man. don't let yourself get there. ><;

finally getting to put all my music back into a playlist. hope to have it done by tonight or midday tomorrow. also have taken a small summer job with my friend Mel's family looking after their dog. Brownie is 13 now (she seriously doesn't seem like it with her puppy-like demeanor) and is having trouble holding her bladder all day, so they've hired me at a rate of $10/day on weekdays to go over and let her out. will take me about 20 minutes max and cost less than a gallon of gas per trip, so this is pretty damn nice.
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Don't get me started with drug abuse. I had a serious cocaine and speed addiction when I was 14-16 and I barely made it out alive. She's finding my lack of emotion (which I can't help) to be offputting and I'm really at a loss.

What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 06, 2014, 11:28:22 AM
My parents paid 18 grand for a house*, which they now own; the idea of a dorm costing that much is insane .___.;
*In 1987, when the house was built and they signed the papers

So, had some chickens for lunch :3
18... thousand? For a house? That's insanely cheap. Even the cheapest houses here are well past 100k. And you need to drive 2-3 hours away from the city into the desert to even approach those prices. Might as well go to Arizona or Nevada.

I think prices at USC were about... 14-16k for a double dorm or apartment. So yeah, 18k/yr for a dorm sounds about right if it's a single.

I used to live alone in my apartment in San Diego, but am living with parents again. I have enough cash to last for a while for my own place, but it's just too expensive here.
btw, our family house, sitting on 1600 sq ft lot, 3bed, 2 bath, built in the 60s, costs over half a million. (Yay California cost of living) This old house would likely be under 100k in Texas or something.

Odin Yggdrasil

It takes ~30k to purchase a run down wreck here, though someone who is savvy with home repairs could easily clean it up and resell it for 75k or more.

I don't remember how much my dorm room cost, but I do remember it being tiny and expensive.


@Sleepy: Indeed; given that my parents are the first owner of this house. It's nothing too fancy or elaborate, and there are some crap qualities about it (Why they put wood paneling in the bathrooms, especially close to the tub, I'll never understand), but it's decent enough -w-


The house I live in has carpeting in the bathrooms.


@kodomo: WHY.
@sleepy, odin, pent: this house, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, cost around 125, 130k when my parents bought it in 87'. it is cramped, drafty and the floors are made of particle board. it was built as part of a summer camp/retreat in the 20's. my room was part of an addition put on in the 60's. with all the yard work and interiour painting they've done, they could probably get about 175k out of it if they tried, especially given the location and the town we're in. but it doesn't help that we're in a crackerbox down the street from the mcmansions on Bramley Hill (a street that has its own goddamn carved wooden sign bigger than some school signs).

@cockle: holy shit man, i never expected that shit outta you. like, you're the last person i'd expect to be involved in that shit. don't mean to pry, but why? and did your parents know? .__.;
click to make it bigger


@Kari: That paid that much? .___.;

So, I actually woke up on time; so I actually have enough time to wake up -w-
Although my stomach is a bit messed up...but it's been that way since yesterday, so nothing new as far as that :\


*puts on old grizzled woman glasses*

I went through a lot of shit in my early teenage years. Granted, I've been on OSC throughout that time, but you know those hiatus' I kept taking? Spiraling drug addiction, hilariously violent relationships (think repressed blood fetish) and generally being a bad kid that looks like a goodie two shoes.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.

Odin Yggdrasil

I don't remember why I left.

Maybe it was work.

Maybe it was the girl.

Something took me away from this place. I just happened to find a bookmark of it again and remembered what my login was.


I kept coming back because I have associated the action of obtaining a new computer or restoring a backup to operating systems, to OS-tans, to here. I don't think I'll ever leave. I may disappear sometimes, years maybe, and maybe it will die. But I will always cherish the years I've spent here. It's a truly unique community that I wouldn't give up my integration for anything.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


In my case, it was my godawful internet connection back then (Which was worse than what I have right now; which is still shit-tier. Let that sink in) becoming so unstable that I couldn't come here anymore. I eventually found my way back here in early 2011, during a very rough point in my life, and have been here since.

So, here's a rundown of my day, for the curious.

Work actually went decently today; had a cart full of new StraightTalk phones for me to restock the cabinet with when I got there, which I put away, then went about my usual morning shift stuff...which I ran into my former boss from Gamestop; whom informs me that he has a box of Sega Genesis games he wants to give me (Most I already own, such as the Sonic trilogy, but I figured I could hang onto them and pass them onto my bro-in-law once I get him a system), which he said to let him know before I leave work so he could get it out of his car. Thus, I made a mental note to do that, along with get minutes for my phone and pick up some Pepto Bismol (As my stomach has been messed up since yesterday). It was a pretty slow day, so I spent most of the day visiting with a coworker I like (A really cool older guy), while just waiting for stuff to do....and spotting some tanktops I wouldn't mind (Which I need to get a pic of to have Kari and/or Bella locate and purchase for me). All in all, a nice day.

I got off work at 3PM, as scheduled, only to find my phone's battery was completely dead (Thanks, Twitter app). Thus, I picked up the few things I needed to buy, and then went to try and find my former boss so he could give those games to me. Sadly, he was tied up with the freezers giving out, and I needed to get home ASAP, so I wasn't able to obtain them (Hope I can find him tomorrow, if he's working). I waited until about 3:30 when I decided I really needed to go since mom would be home soon; we'd need to rush to Tyler to meet up with her family.

I get home, and had enough time to jump in the shower and then check a few things online while waiting for my phone to charge. Mom was apparently running late, as my sister and I really began to wonder when she was going to show up...when she came in the door, pissed off at seemingly everything. She yells at me about "taking too long" to get ready when I'm putting my shoes on, she yells at me for charging my phone in the car, yells at me when I try to offer any advice, and was driving like a shithead (Nearly got into a wreck with a semi-truck because she was driving in their blind spot as they were trying to merge). Also, I had a headache brought on by her and the fact her car is uncomfortable in the back seat, on top of her bickering.

We got to Olive Garden, and the food was pretty good (I had cheese ravioli, as suggested by Kari)...but not really worth the trouble I went through to get to it. Also, it was uncomfortable; the awkward silence filled the air as nobody was talking to each other until just as we were going to leave. To get a brief moment away from mom and her family, after I ate, I walked down to Best Buy to see if they had any cool accessories for my phone...and everything they had was for an S4 and newer, barring a couple of OtterBoxes. Also, they didn't have the Stick of Truth; which I want my own copy now.

Once finished, we left to drop off leftovers to mom. Cue her complaining the whole way there about how this is stupid and why couldn't her family have gone to eat back home and why did dad insist we bring food to him blah blah blah...the entire time I was just trying to stay respectful when really I just wanted to go home. Which, mom killed my plans for Saturday...but to be honest, I don't care; said plans would involve having to ride up to Tyler in that uncomfortable thing she's so obsessed over before I could actually do anything fun, that my sister and I agreed to just put money together and take our own trip to Tyler without mom sometime.

After what felt like an eternity, I was back home, as I hastily grabbed my laptop and phone chargers, my Walmart schedule, and drove over to grandma's office; picking up orange juice on the way since I wanted something to drink that wasn't water. By way of van therapy, my headache went away (My god, those seats are outrageously comfortable), as I now sit here at grandma's office, lurking the nets...and wondering why seemingly everyone disappeared on me mid-conversation >_>;;