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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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oh dear.

on a more positive note, Loly's back! well, she's running windows again at the very least, so she's getting back to a more normal state. currently waiting an hour for all my stuff to finish copying over (my entire 208-gb backup). after that, i start installing things. let's dust off skype and give er' a whirl. -w-

@cockle: thanks, if it's hardsubbed i'll probably just capture it there. i wanted a downloaded copy, not just to stream, but regardless, thanks. :3
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Yay! ^^

So, on a positive, I did talk to the hospital about my application; hoping maybe I hear something soon from them, as it feels promising (Also, one guy that used to work there when I was there is coming back). On a negative, I'm not really looking forward to going into Wal-Mart this afternoon :\


i'm sorry man. if it's any consolation, i'm seriously contemplating getting a stockperson job at walmart and working graveyard. it would mean i wouldn't need as flexible a schedule since i can go to school and my volunteer gigs during the day, and work at night. i couldn't work weekends, but it's still tempting.

just finished changing the names on the missing files from the backup. now, it's time to log off mint and get loly back to being loly.

EDIT: oh, and Walker, Texas Ranger is cheesy as shit.
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That it is; was quite popular in these parts way back when, and had a resurgence of popularity when "Chuck Norris Facts" was still a thing -w-;

So, I didn't have to go to work; they had me scheduled off tonight, since I have to open tomorrow morning -w-

...and I found a version of Super Mario Bros. 3 I've tried to find for years. I feel like Mario here:


I have a bed-things buying problem. I just spent way too much money on new pajamas and another set of sheets. Thanks for enabling me with your moderately reasonable prices, Marshals.

I also bought another nail polish.

You don't even know how little I need have for more nail polish. I have a problem.


LOL -w-;;
(TBH, I'd love to get some comfy pajamas for trap mode -w-)


I had to fight two poisonous snakes today.  I'm pretty much a badass.


*breathes into paper bag*


please don't die, stew.

@bells: retail therapy taking hold?

is anyone else having problems loading OSC? i'm back on Loly, trying to load it on Opera and having a shitstorm of a time. the base won't load, and the index and this thread load in the most basic form; ergo, it's nothing but white, scattered text and random lines, plus the avatar pictures. (i am currently typing into the quick reply box which is extending off into oblivion.)
it was loading fine earlier at my grandparents, on IE. and Facebook/Google are loading fine on Opera, it's just OSC that's giving me hell. ><;
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Hm, no troubles for me my friend.


Just loaded it using the very same version of Opera she's using; my guess is maybe connection issues causing the site to load poorly for her :\
(I know that feel; often happens when I get a bad wifi signal)


@Kari: Tbh I've had trouble with retail therapy for awhile. I suppose it could be worse since I'm a pretty thrifty shopper (unless it's something i absolutely NEED to have, I tend to wait and pick up things on clearance), but it still feels like a financial death-by-a-thousand cuts sometimes.

Also, I haven't had any issues loading OSC recently.


seems it WAS a bad connection as osc is fine now. :\

also, chinese food WHOOOO
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i survived wisdom tooth recovery for the most part without egregious bleeding or blown out dry sockets

What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.
