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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Sorry y'all, your posts gotta wait,...!!!  Capturing Darknight is Priority #1!!!!!  ^V^

*casts net over Darknight*

YATTA!!!!!  ^V^

Now then, time for something I've been meaning to get from you for a long time....  -v-



*squeals with giddy anticipation*  ^-^


well I dug her out from the filing cabnit.  exactly a year has passed since i did this.. and i dont think i could do much better now (tho if i remember i did it on a whim in about 4 hours)

the mistakes are as easy to see now as they were then.. neck to long.. small twitch of the head, eyes dont blink naturaly.. but still due to my lack of work, or exess of procrastination i didnt get this years cards done, so I post her again!

tho i still got all tommarow to get them done on time.

[attachment deleted by admin]
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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The Yule Cat brings you greetings!




hahah that reminds me... I was at a christmas party the other day, and they had these NOEL glasses... and one of my drunken friends were looking through it from the other side and they were like... "who the hell is Leon?!?!"
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quotewell I dug her out from the filing cabnit. exactly a year has passed since i did this.. and i dont think i could do much better now (tho if i remember i did it on a whim in about 4 hours)

the mistakes are as easy to see now as they were then.. neck to long.. small twitch of the head, eyes dont blink naturaly.. but still due to my lack of work, or exess of procrastination i didnt get this years cards done, so I post her again!

tho i still got all tommarow to get them done on time.

Ahhh, so THAT's how you can embed them.  ^__^
Not really, but at least I can post it up like that for Members, and non-Members can simply follow the link to the SWF file.  -v-

In any case, your card with 3.1-sama on it is still pretty darn cute.  Neck and blinking isn't as bad as you say it is -- if there's anything even approximating a gripe, it's that her hair is a lot shorter than it normally is.  (and even then that's fine, cause she has been depicted with short hair before).

Besides, my holiday Flash movie isn't finished yet, so her appearance is excellent timing for the occasion!  ^v^

And I hear more reinforcements are on the way.  Hope you get them done tomorrow!  ^.^

In the name of the Prophet, the Goddess and the Holy Kitten,... Merry Christmas!!  ^o^


Bah, one of my harddrives is making a strange noise... Sort of a fluttering sound.   It still working though, but I'm backing up the most important things (it is of course the drive which holds pretty much all the important stuff). Bunches of cool music on it as well, that needs to be rescued.    I wouldn't wanna lose all my anime pics and scanlated mangas either, plus loads of other stuff.   Anyways, good excuse to buy a new larger drive, this 120GB HDD has had its time. Warranty expired last week, would you believe it? Then suddenly it starts acting weird.  It must be alive...


hahaha I know Ive seen a comic about that around somewhere

my external drive is a 500 gig, and half of it is already filled with subs -_- I dont know what Id do with it all if it started giving me problems
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Fufufu.... judging by the crappiness and the 120GB hard drive, it clearly is not one of your Miggies.  ^__^

Very well, let the hard drive die as much as it wants to.  ^__^

Oh, and Captain....

Would a spindel of DVD-R's help any?  ^__^;


gawd that would be a long chore -_- plus Ive had to redownload some before because them damn DVDRs are so easy to fuck up.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Makes you wish they sold industrial disc presses rather than those crappy oily pieces of plastic.  I still remember back in the 90's when they claimed CD-R's had a 100 year archival life.  Sure the DISC would last 100 years, but they never said anything about the DATA.  ^______^;

Added after 2 minutes:

Okay, how about this....

Buy another 500GB external HD, backup all your goodies, seal it in an airtight time capsule, bury it, and voila!  Instant reliable backup copy!  ^__^

Seconds as a treasure chest for future treasure hunters in case you forget about it . ^___^;

Aurora Borealis

Time capsules, eh? I know a piece of trivia about them!


"90% of buried time capsules are never found or dug up"

So if you do make a time capsule (obviously assuming this is hypothetically), remember where you buried it! ^^


I heard about that. Apparently, my fansub DVD's will degrade to a point in which they will be unreadable. Even so, the computers of the future will have given up on MPEG4 and MKV, standardizing with WMV. Anyway, I'll have to come up with a new solution.

*begins pondering*

What if I froze my DVD's for 1000 years, then let my ancestors try and decipher what they mean? It would be just like in that series, you know, the one where that guy was frozen for 1000 years and then had to figure out life in the year 3000?


Oh yeah! Arthur C. Clarke's Odyssey Series! Where Frank Poole was frozen in space after HAL 9000 killed him, but his ancestors brought him back from the dead! I just pray that they don't look at Mahoromatic first. I wouldn't want them to get the wrong impression.


-_- heh, nobody can find their time capsuls when they have a relitivly small area to look.. but someone buries some WMDs in a giant fucking flat desert and we cant find em, they dont exist. -_-

"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Speaking of time capsules, here's information about a really-good one:  KEO - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.




Quote from: "CaptBrenden"-_- heh, nobody can find their time capsuls when they have a relitivly small area to look.. but someone buries some WMDs in a giant fucking flat desert and we cant find em, they dont exist. -_-

Wont somebody please think of the 56k'ers?


Well, Recently I had to backup all my files (images, downloaded programs, music, games save files, and fansubs) in...about 20 dvd's. And I still needed like 10 dvd's more =/. All because my computer suddenly started to reboot ramdomly (or Blue Screens Of Death...). In the end It was a RAM problem. Don't know what happened, but after removing (and attaching again) the two 512 RAM modules to find which one was damaged...both worked okay. Weird, but I don't have complaints. It's better than finding that one of your RAM modules is damaged and you have to buy another one in order to keep the status quo (I'm already used to having 1GB of RAM :D)